CHAPTER 2 - The Possible Truth

Start from the beginning

For what seemed like hours, Alexander paced around with the group trying to solve The Intervener's riddle. But nothing seemed to make sense. Then Nyxx appeared, startling them all into defensive positions, except Alexander who almost yelled.

The primeval goddess smiled and shook her head, "Calm down duckies ...then again, stay alert, times are dangerous now, and it is only going to get worst. Much worst."

"Well if it isn't my great-great-aunt Sunshine." said Saiyan sarcastically as they relaxed.

"Don't get it twisted, cub. We are in no way related but through the cause for which we fight." Nyxx turned to Alexander, "So what've you lot been pondering so hard on?"

"The Intervener said James' blood destroys the world as much as it may save It." said Alexander, "So we're trying to figure out what he meant."

"Hmmm... must be talking about who freed the Whisperers. Looks like a reunion is in order. Well, see ya!" Then Nyxx vanished, leaving the group even more puzzled than before.

They all resumed their hopeless brainstorming, until finally Alexander exclaimed, "I got it!"

"Dude," said Marius, "every time you say that you come up with some idea that's almost as farfetched as all Sapphira's."

"Hey!" Sapphira protested.

"No," Alexander pleaded, "I'm sure this time... almost at least. James, Nyxx told me your family saved the world for three generations, and then The Intervener shows up later saying that thing about your blood, but only just after Pyro had asked who freed the Whisperers. And just now, Nyxx said very clearly what I might have figured out. She basically connected the Whisperers' freedom to your family when she said the intervener was talking about it. And then she mentioned a reunion right before she disappeared!"

"So you're saying...?" Marius urged Alexander on.

"I'm saying: James, we need to talk to Kaiyen."

"At your service." A blue-lighted portal appeared and Kaiyen stepped out of it.

"Dad!" James seemed angered, "I thought we were hidden by the henge's magik! Nyxx I could understand cuz she's a Protogenoi. But you too?"

"My dear boy," said the elderly man as he looked upon James and smiled, "you travel with the Arch Mage, whose power is above all else and –unfortunately- yet to be cloaked." The portal remained open. "Now, you wanted to ask me something, son?"

James sighed, "Yeah. Is there something wrong with our family's blood?"

"Now why on earth would you ask me such a thing?"

Alexander then chipped in and regurgitated what The Intervener had said then explained his own theory to Kaiyen.

"Ah I see. Well, well, I see why you were chosen Arch Mage. And you are indeed correct with that hunch of yours. Out of all the valor and bravery with which our family is known to display, there was –and perhaps still is- one bad egg in particular. From my mother's sister was born a child, fathered by Azier (The Dragon of Darkness). That child grew up to be my nemesis, Draco. Last I checked though, he's dead, killed him myself after he nearly killed your mother, James. Though Draco's mother did escape."

"You never told me she escaped!" said James.

"We told you the story when you were young, son. It would've ruined a good ending."

"...Did she take Draco's body with her?"

"I believe so, yes"

"Then it's him."

"James he's dead." said Sapphira.

"Not anymore." James looked to his father, "Mom was killed by Draco remember. But you cried over her body after defeating him, and your tears brought her back to life. Phoenix tears. If Draco's mother took his body..."

"...then she could've restored him to life." Saiyan finished.

"Oh shit. Are you serious?" Marius was now paranoid.

"Oh dear." said Kaiyen, "you kids may be right. This makes it even more important that the Arch Mage's training begin as soon as possible. There's no way of telling when exactly Draco may have been resurrected. If it was immediately after his death, then he's been getting more powerful since the Dark Ages."

"Won't he be...?" Alexander struggled to find the right word.

"Old?" Kaiyen smiled, "My father is mortal. So I age as mortals do. Whereas both Draco's parents are powerful magical entities: A Phoenix and a Dragon. Not just any Dragon, but the Dragon of Darkness. Time will age him rather slowly I believe. With that said, you don't have millennia to train, but there is a place. Created by the fires that forged time itself, from which the first Phoenixes were hatched, it is called the Phoenix Isle. Find your mentor, and go there." Kaiyen looked on each of them and smiled before stepping back into the portal, which closed into a ball of light and ascended into the sky.

The group had decided to rest before they went on what now seemed as though it was going to be a very long quest. Alexander was returned to his home, it was exactly 7pm.

It felt strange to be there, walking through his parents' room to get to his as he bid them goodnight. Alexander couldn't shake the feeling that this was his last time in this place. So he did what he did best, he wrote. Alexander manifested his spiral-bound book into his hand and a pen in the other then sat on his bed and began writing a letter to no one in particular. Finally he finished and fell asleep, dreaming of seven silhouettes that chased him with magik in an endless maze of bones.

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