From away, the others glanced at the trio. They were pretty confused but nonetheless, didn't question it. 'Wow! I don't know what Y/n did to cause the man to stay in place but that was awesome!', Shin's eyes sparkled as he admired his co-worker. The trio stroll over to the others, joining up with them once more. As they continue their tour, the clairvoyant, ex-hitman, and the Kurta stayed close to each other. Y/n glanced at Shin, before digging through her pockets and pulling something out; she gave it to him.

  Shin stared at the item she gave him. 'An assassin's license...', he thought. "Another newly licensed rookie", he inspects it more before giving it to his boss. He then looks at his co-worker, putting his arms behind his head before resuming the conversation. "If this is the best they've got, we have nothing to worry about", he smirks. "That is if this is the best they've got", with that, the employee walk ahead, returning to stand by the teenagers.


  "Oh that h/c hair woman looks interesting! I kinda wanna fight her", Obiguro smirks as she looks in the camera feed. "But I want to see the so call legendary hitman go all out for real", she applies finishing touches to her makeup. "Just imagining it gives me the shivers", she smiles. "I don't want you messing with him. I'm gonna go hard-boiled on him", her partner interferes. He was clutching a hand gripper as he was smoking a cigarette.

  Obiguro groan in annoyance. "Would you quiet making noise with that thing? You should do something about your need to work out whenever you get stressed", she gave him a vexed gaze. Her irked expression slowly shifted into an amused one. "Don't worry. I'm happy to let you take him", she assures him. "He's your special friend right?", she ask.

  Her question made him lift himself up from the seat. He didn't utter a word, rather grab the wine bottle that was resting on the table. Using his thumb, he popped the cap of the bottle; it cause Obiguro to jolt up. He then chugs the wine, not taking any breaks. His partner in crime glance at him, obviously taken back and concern. "That jerk's no friend of mine!", he said. Placing the bottle down, he grab another cigar and place it in his mouth. "No friend of...", he lit up his cigar. "I'll never forget that day..."

. . . .

Japan Clear Creation (JCC) ┊Assassin Training School

  "Yo. You're Sakamoto right?", a teenage Boiled address a teenage Sakamoto. Boiled was a 15 year old with curly black hair. He was wearing a pair of sunglasses along with a black leather coat. Sakamoto looked at the teenager, staying quiet as he hold a pistol in his hand.

  "I hear you're super strong and that you really worked over my pal in after-school training. I wondered what kinda guy you were", he ranted on. He expected a response but he was greeted with mere silence. Sakamoto didn't spoke a word as his attention was elsewhere. "Don't worry. I'm not here to get revenge or nuthin", he smirks. "You're hard-boiled, ain't ya? I like you", he compliments him.

  'We had a lot in common. (Especially that hard-boiled thing) Pretty soon we were around each other a lot, even outside of class and assignments.

  In the next scene, the two students were sitting the cafeteria. "You know something Sakamoto? Out in the regular world, they're celebrating Valentine's Day today", Boiled commented on, flipping through the newspaper. Sakamoto glanced at whatever, slurping on his warm, delicious soup. "Too bad a couple of hard-boiled guys like us ain't ever gonna get chocolate from no girl", he smiles. All of a sudden, a group of girls call out to them...more to Sakamoto.

✘ ✞  𝓑𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓭 𝓣𝓸𝓰𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓫𝔂 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓲𝓷𝓼 ✞ ✘Where stories live. Discover now