1: The Letter

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Amira Torres is a beloved singer, an amazing sibling, and a secret superhero. When she received her letter she was scared. It was addressed by the UN to her. She was scared that they had found out that she had powers, that she was Miracle. She grabbed the rest of the mail and walked to the living room. Her Uncle Marty could be seen in the kitchen cooking pancakes for her brother's birthday. Hers' was June eleventh. She sat down and turned on the news. "Breaking News" Flashed across the screen in large, red letters. She turned up the volume.
"Breaking News. Overnight every girl aged sixteen to eighteen, all over the world, was delivered a letter from the UN. The UN has told people to stay calm until the press conference later this afternoon. You may open the letter which contains all of the necessary information and paperwork, but do not fill it out until tonight after the conference. They have not announced anything since. Now to the weather," The screen shut off in a blink and her Uncle Marty sat beside her. Amira opened the letter to read:
Amira Alexis Torres
Due to the recent unearthing of an ancient treaty between Atlantis and the rulers of the land at that time, all girls between the ages of sixteen and eighteen will be forced to submit paperwork to the UN to be processed for the possibility of being chosen to represent the UN as a bride for the prince of Atlantis, Prince Kaldur'ahm. You will fill these forms out completely truthfully. If your paperwork is incorrect in any area you will face the full punishment for being a traitor in your country. This paperwork will ask for secretive information. It will not be a public record and will only be accessible by five UN specialists and the Atlantian royals. You must fill out every blank.

As Amira read the contents of the letter and what she had to fill in for the paperwork she became increasingly scared. She put the letter down after reading it, crying. Uncle Marty hugged the girl. Her eyes looked yellow in the light when they normally were brown. There was a knock at the door. Uncle Marty went to answer it. Hal Jordan was waiting at the door.
"What do you want? You people have already hurt her enough." Uncle Marty told him in a scathing tone. He was closing the door when Amira's old mentor put his foot between the door and the frame.
"I came to apologize. I shouldn't have told them how to take away her powers." Uncle Marty allows him to move over to Amira. He sits down beside her. "I'm sorry. I was stupid. I knew how much you protect the weakness of your powers, yet I told Batman when he asked. I caused you to almost die. I-" He was crying by this point. The man whom Amira doubted thought he was ever wrong. She put her hand on his arm. This was the person who taught her to control her powers, the man who was like a father to her, the person she would almost always forgive.
"It's okay Hal." She looked at him with eyes that held no judgment. "I forgive you." Hal sniffles and wipes his eyes.
"Well, then I guess I can ask this." He held out her necklace that held her suit. "Will you be my protege again? Though I do think that you are better at this than I am." He motions for her to take it. She takes it and puts it on. She hasn't grown in the two years she hasn't been Miracle, so when the suit spreads across her body it fits perfectly. The jean jacket's paint is peeling a little, but it feels right.
"Of course. Someone has to make sure you get home in one piece." She holds up a finger before he speaks. "But I want nothing to do with the Justice League or the rest of the proteges. I can't face them after what they did. Except for the Atlantians. I saw both of them argue with Batman after he put the collar on me."
Hal reaches out his hand to shake hers. They do a little handshake they made. Hal walked to the door. "Are you coming, Mira? I think Miracle needs to make her reappearance today." Amira ran out after grabbing her keys and purse.
"Bye Uncle Marty!" The girl yells, rushing out the door and sliding her feet into her tennis shoes.

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