Chapter 5

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Kyrrha's POV:

I arrived home safely after our hangout.

I had fun with him. He knows how to keep the situation better and more positive. He's such a hilarious guy.

I already know his feelings since, from the very start, he developed his feelings for me. I'm just playing dumb and oblivious to his feelings.

I enjoyed our friendship. It's been a long time since we met.

We were introduced to each other when we were still kids; our mothers were best friends.

My first impression of him was that he was a shy kid before and would hide behind his mother's legs.

He has these cute eyes when he looks at you. I was the complete opposite of him when I was a child.

I would always have this expression that scared other children when I stared at them. My mother told me about it and kept telling me to fix my smile and get along with the others.

Of course, I tried getting along with the other children at the daycare, but they would always end up crying or running away from me. Was I that scary back then?

Zein was the one who kept looking at me or stealing glances at me every time. One day at the daycare, another kid cried because of me. He witnessed it all.

The mother of the kid came to the daycare and decided to get mad at me instead of asking what happened. She pushed me, causing me to fall to the ground, and continued to yell at me. I sat there in the daycare while listening to her running mouth. Zein stepped up and defended me.

The teacher was not present during the time the mother yelled at me, so he had to step up for me. He was so cute when he ran in front of me, reaching his arms out. His face was frowning.

I knew he would be brave someday and be strong for himself, but I didn't know that someday would be today.

The teacher then arrived and talked to the mother. Zein slowly approached me with a hint of sadness on his face.

He slowly reached out for my hand and looked at me. "Are you alright?"

You could tell that his concern is genuine just by looking into his eyes. His eyes were aglow with the warm hue of amber.

I looked at him as I made a smile.

"I'm fine," I said as I stood up, holding on to his hand.

That was when our friendship started.

We started to hang out everyday after class. He would come at my house and my mom would always welcome him everytime he visits, it's as if he was my mother's son.

We would play in my room, read stories, and study together. 

He would always pair with me during group activities or activities that includes having pairs. We were in the same class for 6 years. 

We would always pick tables that are empty and sit beside each other. 

We were the best of friends. We couldn't be apart even for a second as if we were glued at each other.

It was our 6th grade graduation. We both graduated and our parents decided to hold a party for us. I didn't know why they would hold a party just because we graduated. I mean we can just get McDonald's. But what I didn't know was that he will be leaving with his mom to study abroad.

My mother knew yet she never told me anything.

After the party, we bid our goodbye. He looked upset and down.

I had an uneasy feeling when he turned around after waving us goodbye.

Before I realized, I then ran onto him and gave him a tight and long hug. I just felt like I wanted to hug him before he leaves.

The next day, I woke up. Waiting for him as usual expecting him to visit and play with me again since it was summer and we can finally have time together all day but he never came.

The next day, I waited for him again in my house expecting him to visit this time and telling myself maybe he was busy yesterday that's why he couldn't come. Yet he never came.

Then the next day, the day after that. Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into a month. He never visited me. That was when reality hit me, he already left.

I knew it. I knew everything when mom suddenly decided to host a party. I knew back then that when mom does this, someone is leaving. Hosting a party for them as a goodbye and good memories.

The end of summer. I went to high school. I was a first year high schooler.

It felt different when he wasn't around anymore. I went to a different school that was a bit farther from where I live but my father would drop me off and pick me up anytime when I go to school. 

I knew no one in my new school. It felt different.

If only he was here with me then the first day of school would've been fun.

I spent my school year without him. 

It was lonely. I couldn't reach him. I don't know his phone number or his socials.

Months have passed, I was more focused on my studies than focusing on him when he's not here anymore. 

I wanted to achieve high grades and be the top in my class. It was difficult but I managed to at least be in top 5.

I hope he's proud of me.

2 years have passed.

I was still in the same school but in different grade level. In 9th grade, which I am currently.

I was excited with a new room and new classmates. 

During the first day of school, there a lot of students than before. I accidentally bumped onto someone and caused them to fall on the ground. 

I wanted to help him but there a lot of people going in the school, and he stood up right away. 

He looked at me with a small grin on his face.

He seemed familiar.

I brushed it off and left. Going around, checking every room for my name.

Finally found it.

I went inside and sat by the very first row.

Then the same guy that I bumped onto earlier sat beside me. I didn't mind it at all, I mean anyone can sit in any chair.

It was time to introduce ourselves. Of course, I was first.

"Good Morning, Ma'am and classmates. I am Kyrrha Violesiel Blimo, 14 years of age. I like to draw and I love arts." I said after I stood up then after, sat down as I fixed my skirt.

The guys beside me stood up. He was wearing a black hoodie which made him unrecognizable. He was 5'6 foot tall. 

The teacher asked him to take off the hoodie that was covering his face. 

He took it off, exposing his soft, curly hair. With his sharp jaw and pointed nose.

He glanced at me. What the...?

"Good Morning, I am Zein Lincoln Monterusell" He said then sat down.

My eyes widened in surprise as I heard his name. Zein?  Is it really him?

He turned to look at me and smiled.

"Long time no see, Kyrrha" He said softly as he rested his chin on his left palm.

I was still shocked but calmed down eventually.

Then on we started to hang out again like the old days.

Of course, he's not the only friend I made during the first week of school. Rosa, Althea, Eris and Jahri became my friends as well.

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