Chapter 4

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Kyrrha's POV:

So that guy... I stared at him deeply, as if I were analyzing his appearance to recognize who he was.

I stood there silently, as my eyes were still on him. I couldn't figure it out yet, with my eyes having blurry effects. He has good posture, unlike mine. He's tall and was silent the whole time, while Levi was the one who did the talking.

Someone suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled me over in their direction, then turned me around to face them.

As my body was directed in their direction, I was surprised and scared at the same time.

It was Zein, my friend. There's nothing really special about him; he's just an ordinary guy. Gentleman at that. He knows how to treat girls right. He's friendly with everybody and kind of gives off golden retriever energy.

"Sup, Kyrrha! It's quite crowded at the exit, right?" He said as he was still holding my arm.

"Yeah," I said as I looked around, looking for him again, but he was never seen anywhere. He probably left already.

Zein pulled my arm once again, making me face him. "Who are you looking for?" he asked with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"Eris and the others," I said, but of course it was a lie.

"Oh, they already left earlier," he said as he slowly let go of my arm.

I stared at him for a minute as his eyes landed on mine. We looked at each other for a couple of minutes until he looked away, looking flustered.

"We should get going now," he softly said as he placed his hand on my waist as he guided me towards our classroom.

He held my waist, pulling me closer to him until we arrived in our classroom. He then slowly let go of me and went to his friends, getting all loud and chaotic with them. I wonder: does he always do this with every girl he knows? They can misunderstand your intentions, you know. But that's none of my business anyway.

I walked in the direction of my friends.

They were giving me a side eye with a grin on their faces. As if they know something I don't.

"Why are you giving me that look?" I said as I approached them.

"You and Zein are acting like a couple," Jahri said as her grin grew wider, reaching her ears.

"What? What do you mean?" I looked at them with confusion written all over my face.

"You guys would look cute together," Eris said.

"I support," Rosa and Thea added.

"Oh, shut up; he does that to every girl," I said with a hint of annoyance in my voice.

They all laughed at me and teased me about Zein.

Zein is just a friend of mine and nothing more.

Time skip

Three months have passed, and nothing really special happened—just the usual day routine.

Today I had plans with Zein, meeting up with him at this coffee shop. My favorite coffee shop.

We are getting ready for our plans today. I was shocked and confused when Zein suddenly texted me last night that he wanted to hang out with me at Rai Coffee Shop and said it was my favorite, but how did he know?

While getting ready, preparing myself, and all that, suddenly my heart started beating faster for no reason. What the hell?

After finishing up and being done preparing, my phone suddenly rang. I ran out of the bathroom and took my phone from my study table, then answered the call.

"Where are you?" A man's voice can be heard, and I know who this is, Zein.

"Uhm, still at home," I said nervously on the phone, hoping he wouldn't get mad.

"Alright, I'm already inside the coffee shop, and I ordered us some blueberry cake and your iced coffee, and other cakes" he said softly, and he didn't sound angry or upset at all.

"Okay, I'll be there in a minute," I said before hanging up.

I took my things and placed them inside my bag.

I then left my house after locking the door. The coffee shop was just a five-minute walk away.

I finally arrived at the entrance of the coffee shop. I pushed the glass door that was in front of me to open the door before walking in.

I looked around, searching for Zein, and I immediately saw a hand on the air. My gaze was on the hands that were on the air when I saw him; he looked happy to see me.

Slowly walking towards the table where he is currently. He stood up, and I was confused. He pulled the chair for me to sit down, then pushed it a bit closer to the table. Act of service.

I could see that he ordered so much just by seeing the plates on our table.

A total of five sliced cakes and two iced coffees.

"You ordered so much. It's only us two," I said as I glanced at the food that was on the table.

"I know, but you might crave for some more, so I ordered your favourites in advance," he said softly as he let out his warm smile. But the question is, how did he know my favorites? I never told him this before.

"So what's the occasion? You texted me out of the blue last night saying you want to hang out," I said, trying to get an honest response from him.

"Well, we haven't spent time with each other these days. You're busy with your studies while I'm busy with baseball," he said with his voice, almost whispering. He placed his hand on the back of his neck.

"Oh" was the only response I could give him.

"Why are you acting like this? It's not like we're a couple, plus we see each other in school." is what I wanted to say, but no voice came out of my mouth.

The silence was so loud around us. He got over the awkwardness and changed the topic.

"Let's eat the cake and drink our coffee already; it'll get warm," he said as he slid the plate of cake closer to me on the table, along with my iced coffee. It's as if he already knows what I like the most, knowing he didn't ask me what I wanted.

We hung out just like we planned. We went to the arcade, playing games together, and he got me a stuffed toy that he won at the claw machine. We had fun. After visiting tons of shops, we decided to take a break at the park.

We sat on the bench that was the only one available because the park is full of people around the afternoon, and we're glad that we found an available bench beside the oldest tree in the park.

We talked, laughed at each other, shared stories, and shared secrets.

The day ended as he bid me goodbye before he left.

I arrived at my house with stuff on my hands. Good thing mom and dad aren't home yet, or else they'll ask me a bunch of questions, asking me where I got this from.

I placed the stuffed toy on the side of my bed; it was like the size of a pillow.

I stared at it, not realising that a smile was on my face.

Not bad Zein, you made my day even better.

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