Seonghwa was ashamed at how he squealed like a schoolgirl upon seeing the notification.

Wow. Are you even real? I just looked through your profile and I have to say, you're gorgeous. So interesting as well. I love music and am obsessed with coffee too 😁

Thus began a strange sort of flirtation that Seonghwa wasn't used to.

It had been quite some time since he had felt like this, like someone wanted him physically as well as mentally, and to say he had butterflies in his stomach would be an understatement.

He was absolutely loving the attention; he hardly even cared that Hongjoong was becoming increasingly more comfortable with him now that there was no bad blood between them.

From San:
Be there in thirty.

With a sigh, Seonghwa saves his progress on the track before closing the file.

He will wait for San to show before he even attempts to mess with that shit again.

In the meantime, he rolls over to the window of the studio and props it open before opening a drawer and digging out a fresh pack of cigarettes.

He used to smoke like a train, but Jongho and his physician bitch at him enough for him to quit, but occasionally, he still craves a stick.

Today, he merely wants something in his mouth, so he lights it up and places it between his lips to puff away as he checks his phone again in case San happens to text— the man has the worst luck with traffic.

Instead of his colleague, two notifications from the dating app appear.

Seonghwa leaves his cigarette dangling from his mouth to hastily check them.

KangByun127: How is your day going, gorgeous? Still working on that secret project of yours?

Seonghwa smiles around the cigarette.

KangByun127: I think you need a break. Why don't we go out to dinner tomorrow?

"Fuck," Seonghwa mutters, taking a long drag before blowing it out of the window.

He never thought things would progress this quickly, but this is what he wanted, right?

He wanted something quick and easy but this is so sudden.

Is he ready for this?

Shit, how could he go out to dinner like this?

Would this guy even be ok with pushing him around or would he have to bring Hong—

Seonghwa blanches at the thought of needing his nurse to accompany him on a date because of mobility issues, like he's some kind of child.

And what about later in the evening if things go well?

Would they go to his date's place?

What if he lives in a building that isn't wheelchair accessible?

"Fuck," Seonghwa curses again, practically sucking the life out of the cigarette just to get some relief from his anxiety.

This really was a stupid idea and he would make a complete fool of himself.

His phone buzzes.

KangByun127: Maybe we could go to that restaurant your friend owns? That way you're more comfortable.

Letting out a breathy sigh, Seonghwa stubs his cigarette out.

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