A Shoe

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The bitch took my shoe

Honestly its not realy much of a shoe more like something to just keep my feet warm at this cold ass weather i could hear the shouts of some random backround caracter "THERE CALLED SLIPPERS" Well thank you i guess but i dint realy ask..this inner monolouge is killing me fuck okay so i start running after this bitch aka my brother i guess

But fuck that i dont even know how to act around a brother dude just showed up one day mom cried turns out satan himself aka my dad was still alive and just dint want to pay child support and took my twin brother or some stupid cliche like that

Honestly i could just take the other slipper and throw it at him but then he'll go and complain to mom i dont get why this bitch even stays here like go back to the man thats called father not only by us but also teenage girls with knockers who just want money or just wants some 'mature' man thinking they hit the jackpot like no hunny thats a pedophile

Either way..life sucks and i still havent gotten my shoe back "ITS A SLIPPER"

Moral of the story: how tf do you mistake a slipper for a shoe

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