Get Puff'd Loser

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It was a gloomy and rainy April morning, the sun lazily peaked its head out over gray clouds. Puffie strutted down the sidewalk, keeping her head high despite the sadness of the world around her. She, however, chose not to let it affect her that day despite her own inner worries. She smiled as she bouncily strutted down the sidewalk, passing many neighbors who sat on their porches to try and enjoy the first day of the month. She waved to all that she could, and wished them all a good day as she passed by.

Eventually she made it to the park, where she found another Bug Terra sitting sadly on a bench somewhere, sniffling and hanging his feet. Puffie spotted the little Terra, and watched him as he let the rain soak his fur. "Hey!!" She called to the Bug Terra, "What's wrong?" She got a closer look at the Terra, who seemed to notice her presence. "Are you okay?" She asked, seeing if he would respond. He just shook his head as he gazed at the ground. "Do you want to talk about it?" She asked. He shook his head again. "Do you want me to go?" She asked, and this time the Terra looked directly at her. The spider in his visor gave a look of not wanting them to go, but regardless he nodded.

Puffie understood and walked off, but as she did she thought of a plan to cheer the sad Terra up. She thought of many things, a surprise party, a gift, but then an idea struck her like lightning. A PRANK! She could do a harmless little prank to cheer the Terra up! She rushed as quickly as she could to the nearest party store, practically almost running to get there.

As she ran down the streets of the city, pushing past multiple people as fast as she could while trying not to get stepped on. The world itself seemed to spin around her as she ran. She thought of what kind of prank she would pull, but she couldn't come to a decision on the prank she wanted to pull on the Spider Terra. She rushed through crowds trying to find the party supply store, and eventually she found herself only a couple blocks away from it.

She slowed down her pace as she neared the party supply store, she could finally take a second to enjoy the sweet scent of the day's rain. It was fresh, and smelled like the honeydew on the grass in the mornings. She took a moment as she walked to appreciate the world around her, the noise that filled the city streets; the lights. She thought of it, she wanted to make the sad Terra see all of what she was seeing, what she was breathing in and feeling.

As Puffie entered the Party Supply Store, she quickly went down the prank aisle, she bought a couple packages of colorful string so that she would be able to catch the Terra's attention. Then, she bought one of those silly snake cans that she had seen on advertisements and cartoons. Then she bought herself a can of silly string. Perfect. She thought to herself. She quickly went through the line and paid for all of her supplies, everything was a blur to her.

She darted back through the city streets, down the blocks and back through the crowds; trying her hardest not to trip or fall over. Eventually retracing her steps back through the city blocks she could see the park in the distance a couple blocks down. In those seconds she ran as fast as she could take herself, running through the streets and running back onto the sidewalk. She could feel the eyes of other Terras watch her, she could hear the laughter but she would worry about that all later. Eventually she finally made it back to the park, and now she just needed to set up the prank. She hid in the park's gazebo as she tied the colorful string into a long thin rope that she could throw at the Spider Terra. She was ready.

Puffie quickly went and hid in one of the bushes, accidentally rustling them and catching the attention of the Spider Terra. He glanced over to the bushes, perking his ears up. Eventually he looked away, back over to one of the trees. She took note of the tree he was staring at. Quickly, she threw the colorful string at him and it fell onto his arm. He let out a small squeak as it hit his arm. He looked at the colorful string, picking it up. She slightly moved the string more towards the bushes she was in, slipping it out of his paw. He gasped, but then quickly got his bearings and chased after the string. Puffie realized quickly that she would have to get up and run or her whole plan would be ruined.

She quickly ran off, dragging the string with her as she tried to find a hiding place. The Spider Terra chased it as fast as he could, not noticing anything else around him. He quickly stopped in his tracks as he noticed something on the ground, Puffie couldn't figure out what it was but the Terra seemed to pick it up and place it out of his way. He quickly continued running towards the string, trying to pick it up as Puffie kept moving it further and further away from him. She saw a spot where she could run to the tree. It was perfect, but this chance could ruin the entire prank.

She took the chance and ran as fast as she could to the tree. The Spider Terra seemed to have heard her but not seen her, "Hello?" He squeaked. Now more cautious around the silly string. He looked around, confused as he stared at the tree. She continued moving the string more towards her, towards the tree. He cautiously followed, a little glint of worry in his eyes.

As he stepped up to the tree, noticing a can of chips on the ground. Puffie realized she had dropped the silly snake. She worried and began to breathe heavily. Oh No. She quickly jumped out from behind the tree, "WAIT!" but as she did the snake jumped out at the Spider Terra. He jumped back like a frightened cat, but eventually calmed down. The Spider in his visor smiled. "Sorry-" She looked at him, worriedly. The Spider Terra walked up to her and gave her a hug, whispering his thanks to her. She smiled, still worried that she'd ruined his day. "Can I keep the string?" He asked, "I like the colors!" Puffie just nodded, astounded that he wasn't mad by her own failure to prank him.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 01 ⏰

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