Another Terra's Trash is Another Terra's Treasure

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The cold breeze of the newborn spring combed through Solana's fur, its sharp whistles filled her ears. The snow on the ground had melted into small slushy patches, and the sidewalk and verdure were finally visible once again. Solana continued her walk home, she stopped when she gazed upon a crowd of Terras huddling on someone's lawn. "Step right up! Step right up! All items MUST go!" A voice shouted over the crowd, "We've got all sorts of knick-knacks and thingamabobs!" Solana attempted to peek over the crowd, much to no avail. A large portion of the crowd rushed into the garage, immediately starting to pick apart at the items laid out on the tables.

Interested in the crowd gathered on the lawn, Solana slowly inched towards the other side of the street, trying her best to avoid the patches of slush in her way. Her paw tried to grasp the next patch of pavement, but slipped on a small portion of ice. She yelped as she fell onto the pavement, quickly getting herself up and continuing to the crowded lawn.

As she brushed off the ice and slush, she made her way onto the sidewalk, trying to get a better look at what was being sold. She quietly tip-toed towards the garage so as to not make any attention to herself. She looked towards one of the tables, seeing if she could find anything of interest to her. She turned her gaze to a couple of the Snow Globes, but much to her dismay she wasn't able to find one she didn't already have.

A plague of doubts filled her mind as she began to search more frantically, looking for at least something for her collection. She searched across the tables, finding many collector's items but none she was interested in or none she didn't already have. Then across the yard, a particular periwinkle snowglobe stood out to her. It contained two rabbits hugging each other and a sweet little bow tie wrapped around the globe itself.

She rushed over to the table and immediately scooped up the globe. She had never seen this particular globe before, let alone at a sale on someone's lawn. She trotted over to the Terra who was hosting the sale. He smiled as she approached, "Whatch'ya got there?" Jasper asked. "A snow globe!!! I haven't seen this one before and it's so pretty looking!!" Solana chirped, showing off the pretty globe. "Ah, thas' a new one for ya huh?" Jasper chuckled, "Here I had thought you'da somehow collected e'ry globe ever made!" Solana smiled. She replied, "I thought I did too!" as Jasper handed her the bag with the carefully wrapped globe inside. "Thank you so much, sir!" Solana waved to Jasper as she headed home. Jasper waved back, "Have a nice evening, Lana!" as he watched her walk back to the side-walk. 

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