Travis shook his head. He knew what that meant. Cassie had asked too many questions the last couple of days about Pierce Stone's home. It had to be where they were headed.

If he hadn't been a cop, he would have gotten pulled over five times on his way into town. He was doing 80 in a 25 mph zone. Travis weaved in between cars, dodged pedestrians and almost ran over a dog. Matt white-knuckled in the passenger seat, clutched the dash, holding on for dear life.

"I'll kill her." Travis muttered as he pulled up to the mansion gate and saw the beat up old pickup truck in the drive ahead of them. "Those idiots let her in," Travis admonished in disgust as he slammed out of the car.

Matt laughed slightly, trying to hide his amusement from his older brother. Cassie had a way of getting her way whether you wanted her to or not. In this case, it could prove to be more damaging than good. Matt had to admit he would have enjoyed seeing Cassie and Madison pull the wool over some of the cop's eyes. Those two together were definitely trouble with a capital T.

Travis threatened the cop at the door before storming into the house and searching for his wife. He was going to throw her over his shoulder and haul her butt home. He would let her have a piece of his mind, Travis vowed to himself, knowing full well that he'd never make it home before he let her have it. Matt followed calmly behind looking for Madison. Knowing it was best to get her out of the way of his brother, before she caught his wrath as well.

"Damn it, Cassie!" Travis bellowed at his wife when he and Matt raced into the master bedroom. His eyes scanned the room, first focusing on Madison then Peyton with his wife, all three looking guilty as sin and annoyed at being caught. "I ought to redden your backside, woman! Where are the boys?"

Cassie shook her head in annoyance. He was concerned, she could understand that, but she knew what she was doing was right.

"They went to Derek's house. They'll be home by dinner. Travis, calm down and stop yelling at me like I'm a child!" At least that put Travis and Matt at ease, slightly. The kids were safe - that was important.

"What the hell do you three think you're doing here?" Travis demanded taking hold of Cassie's arm and leading her toward the door. Travis saw the look of dread on his wife's face, but Peyton and Madison were white as death.

"What's wrong with you two?" Peyton handed him the birth certificate. Travis dropped Cassie's arm immediately to take the paper from Peyton. Slowly he read what was on the paper. "Son of a....Tyner? You just found this?"

Travis was off balance with this new development. His boiling temper simmered down, but Cassie knew he could easily get going again if provoked. Peyton nodded her head slowly, waiting for the explosion to come from Travis.

Madison's hands shook when she held out the diary. It was all there in black and white. Samson Tyner was Pierce Stone's son. The page the diary was opened to explain in Candace's own words how Pierce Stone had taken on another man's life to become the person he had wanted to be. None of this, the house, the money, the image was real. Blake Tyner had killed the real Pierce Stone, had stolen his identity, abandoned his family to take over an empire and Candace knew it. She had held it over his head, using it to help herself and her daughter.

Everything was there. They now knew how he had met Pierce Stone, found the resemblance between them uncanny and killed the man on a business trip. When he came to Dahlia, no one knew him, only his reputation then he took over the man's world. Pierce Stone was not a friendly man or even a sociable one. It was easy to hide in that big house on the hill and not get close enough to anyone who would easily be able to see the difference in the two men. Blake Tyner had walked away from a life of poverty and into a world of power and wealth.

Position of Honor   The Honor Series  Book Two Where stories live. Discover now