Fisher of Men

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Today the world has great need indeed for parables of Christ,
From billionaires to addicts or the lowest loneliest feist,
We all deserve the most profound words of wisdom to live by,
What better words to pay heed to than those from up on high,

If we take on each day with the best of intentions,
Spreading positivity acts as an ounce of prevention,
Then goodness spreads virally and people soon find,
An eye for an eye in reverse will give sight to the blind,

Pay close attention though because there are many imposters at play,
They may poison your precious mind while preaching all will be okay,
Your best bet is reading the best selling book of all time,
So when you preach of love you shine like a well lit sign,

I know you have bad days too, life is an uphill battle,
Just march one step at a time until you hear the death rattle,
Be prepared to act in earnest for dying is not the end,
Have no fear as you age, make this mantra I speak a trend,

Paying it forward daily as a kind benevolent soul,
Will feed your spirit more-so often than it takes a toll,
Creating social homeostasis like one giant loving organism,
Go forward now my friends play a harmonic song of moralism.

~ Farls Tokley

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