Seungmin : Trust (Fluff)

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Paring: Seungmin x Reader
Summery: y/n gets played and used by a guy and runs to her best friend Seungmin who comforts her.
Word Count: 1927
Style: Romance, Friendship, Fluff, Angst, SFW


Y/N's tears had finally subsided, leaving her in a fragile silence, cradled in Seungmin's arms. The Stray Kids dorm, usually bustling with energy, was unusually somber, the air thick with concern and unease. Each member felt a protective surge for Y/N, who was more than just a friend; she was like family.
Seungmin, whose feelings for Y/N had quietly grown over time, was particularly affected. He held her gently, a silent promise in his embrace that he would do anything to shield her from further pain. His heart ached, seeing her so broken.

"Y/N," Felix spoke softly from across the room, his Australian accent more pronounced in his concern, "We're all here for you, okay? You're not alone in this."

Hyunjin, leaning against the doorframe with a somber look, added, "Yeah, Y/N. Anyone who treats you like that doesn't deserve you. You're worth so much more."

Bang Chan, the leader, stood up, his presence offering a sense of stability. "We've all got your back, Y/N. You're part of this family, and we look after our own."

Y/N managed a weak smile, grateful for their support but unable to shake off the betrayal she felt. Her trust, once given so freely, now felt like a distant memory.
As the night wore on, the members slowly retreated to their rooms, leaving Seungmin and Y/N in the living area. Exhaustion eventually overtook her, and she drifted into a restless sleep on Seungmin's lap.
Hours later, Y/N woke up with a start, her dreams haunted by shadows of deception. Her sobs broke the silence of the room, waking Seungmin, who immediately switched on the bedside lamp.

"Hey, it's okay, Y/N. You're safe here," he whispered, his voice a soothing balm.

"I just... I feel so foolish, Seungmin. How could I let myself be so vulnerable?" Y/N choked out between sobs.

Seungmin gently brushed away her tears. "Trust isn't foolishness, Y/N. What happened to you... it's not your fault."

"But now I'm scared, Seungmin. Scared that I'll never be able to trust anyone again," Y/N confessed, her voice trembling.

Seungmin felt a pang in his heart. He wanted to confess his feelings, to tell her that she could trust him, but he knew this wasn't the time. She needed a friend, not another complication.

"Y/N, trust takes time to rebuild. But you're not alone in this journey. We're all here for you," Seungmin reassured her.

Y/N nodded, finding comfort in his words. The night passed slowly, with Seungmin staying awake, ensuring she felt safe and heard.

As dawn broke, the other members began to stir. Han popped his head in, a playful smile on his face. "Good morning, you two. Breakfast is ready. We made your favorite, Y/N."

The smell of food wafted into the room, a small but significant gesture of the bond they shared. As Y/N and Seungmin joined the others, the atmosphere lightened. Laughter and teasing filled the air, a stark contrast to the previous night's gloom.

Changbin nudged Y/N playfully. "See, nothing beats a Stray Kids' breakfast to lift the spirits."

I.N, the youngest, looked at Y/N with concern. "Are you feeling better, Y/N?"

"A bit, thanks to all of you," Y/N replied, her voice stronger now.

Throughout breakfast, the members shared stories and jokes, trying to bring back the smile they all loved on Y/N's face. It was a testament to their bond, a family not bound by blood but by unwavering support and love.
The weeks following Y/N's heartbreak were filled with the unwavering support of the Stray Kids members. Each one, in their own unique way, made sure she never felt alone. Their routine became a blend of caring texts, calls, and frequent visits, surrounding Y/N with a sense of belonging and warmth.
On a bright Saturday, the group decided to venture out for a day of fun and distraction. Seungmin, ever watchful and protective, stayed close to Y/N, offering silent support. The first stop was a cozy cafe, where the aroma of coffee and pastries was comforting and inviting.

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