Hyunjin : Baby fever (Smut)

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Paring: HyunJin x Reader
Summery: HyunJin is getting baby fever and it's obvious how badly he wants one of his own
Word count: 2693
Style: fluff, romance, smut

Paring: HyunJin x Reader Summery: HyunJin is getting baby fever and it's obvious how badly he wants one of his own Word count: 2693Style: fluff, romance, smut

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Hyunjin watched with a gleam in his eye as a toddler giggled at the next table. The child's laughter seemed to light up the entire café, drawing everyone's attention, including his. It wasn't the first time his Stray Kids bandmates had noticed his growing fondness for little ones. As the toddler's parents prepared to leave, Hyunjin's gaze followed them out the door, his mind clearly elsewhere.

At their table, Y/N was in the middle of a hilarious story, making Jisung and Felix laugh out loud. "And then he says, 'That's not a piano, that's my mother-in-law!'" Y/N concluded, sending the table into another round of laughter.

Hyunjin, however, barely cracked a smile, his thoughts preoccupied. Noticing his distraction, Chan leaned in, "Everything okay, Hyunjin?"

"Yeah, just thinking," Hyunjin murmured, his eyes still tracing the spot where the child had been.

Seungmin nudged him playfully, "Thinking about tiny shoes and lullabies, huh?"

Hyunjin shot him a mock glare but didn't deny it. "Maybe."

It wasn't a secret within the group that Hyunjin had a soft spot for children. His interactions with young fans were always gentle and patient, and he never missed a chance to coo over a baby. But lately, it seemed more than just an affectionate gesture; it felt like a longing.

Jisung, ever the observant one, added, "You've been pretty baby-crazy lately, Hyunjin. Thinking of starting a family with Y/N?"

The question hung in the air. Hyunjin's gaze finally drifted back to Y/N, who was now watching him with a curious expression.

"Maybe it's something we should talk about," Hyunjin said, more to Y/N than to the others.

Later, in the quiet of Hyunjin's room in the Stray Kids' apartment, he and Y/N lay cuddled together. The noise of the city drifted through the window, a gentle reminder of the world outside their cozy bubble.

Breaking the silence, Y/N turned to face him. "You've been pretty quiet since we left the café. Something on your mind?"

Hyunjin took a deep breath, the words he'd been holding back ready to spill. "I've been thinking... about us, our future."

Y/N's expression softened, encouraging him to continue.

"It's just that... every time I see a child, I can't help but imagine what it would be like for us to have one. To start a family together." His voice was hesitant, unsure of Y/N's reaction.

Y/N's hand found his, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Hyunjin, I love you, and I've thought about it too. A family with you... it sounds wonderful."

Relief washed over Hyunjin's face. "Really? You've thought about it?"

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