1.5 | Weathervane Fight

Start from the beginning

"You have a valve issue. I've seen it before," Wednesday informed Tyler. "Where? You have one of these monsters at home?" Tyler questioned her. "Steam-powered guillotine. I built it when I was ten. I wanted to decapitate my dolls more efficiently," Wednesday answered him making Esmarie look over with wide eyes, she hummed to herself before turning back to her phone to respond to Xavier's message. "Sure. Grim Reaper Barbie, makes perfect sense," Tyler expressed as he looked over at Esmarie noticing the smile on her face, "Who are you messaging?" Esmarie looked up to see that even Wednesday was looking at her, "It's Xavier. He's just checking in on me."

Wednesday felt her stomach churn once again however, it worsened upon seeing the slight glare on Tyler's face; it seemed he didn't like the blonde's friendship with Xavier. Wednesday finished up fixing the espresso machine causing Tyler to smile, "Wow. Thanks. I never met a Nevermore kid who got their hands dirty. Aside from Marie, of course," Tyler expressed receiving a small smile from Esmarie. Wednesday noticed how the blonde seemed more laid back outside of the school, she couldn't understand why the blonde seemed to be so comfortable around normies rather than others who share a 'freak' lifestyle with her.

"I'm Tyler, by the way. I didn't catch your name... or is that on a need-to-know basis too?" Tyler asked Wednesday. "Wednesday," She replied to him. "Tell you what, Wednesday. To show my appreciation, how about I drive you to Burlington?" Tyler offered. "Perfect. Put that quad in a to-go cup," Wednesday replied to him, Esmarie frowned slightly, she'd miss Wednesday's unique yet kooky presence. "Uh, but I don't get off for another hour," Tyler informed her. "I'll sweeten the pot," Wednesday pulled out twenty dollars. "Twenty whole dollars... tempting, but no," Tyler shook his head. "I'll make it forty," Wednesday upped the payment.

"Uh... listen, Wednesday, one fun fact about me... I can't be bought, so either wait, or find someone else to drive you," Tyler informed Wednesday who realised she'd have to make do with what she could get. Wednesday made her way over to a booth and sat down, her hands interlocked resting on the table as she stared outside. Tyler and Esmarie shared a look before Tyler got to work on making Wednesday's drink, allowing Esmarie to be the one to take it over having finished her milkshake. "Your drink, ma'am," Esmarie spoke as she placed the cup in front of Wednesday, the stoic girl looked up at Esmarie with a blank stare that made Esmarie's smile falter slightly.

Esmarie turned to walk away assuming that Wednesday did not wish for company but instead, the stoic Addams girl reached out and grabbed Esmarie's wrist to stop her. A strange sensation burned through both girls, the feeling held no pain whatsoever but they were startled apart due to it. "Sit with me," Wednesday instructed Esmarie, motioning towards the seat across from her and Esmarie followed the instruction. "Why are you so adamant to escape?" Esmarie asked breaking the silence that had been present. "Like I've said, to stop my parents' obvious plan to turn me into themselves," Wednesday answered her. "Seems to me that your parents really care about you," Esmarie said with a shrug, that's what she picked up on.

"They don't. They care for what they want me to be," Wednesday snapped but Esmarie simply began fiddling with the rings on her fingers. "At least your parents want you to be something..." Esmarie muttered but Wednesday heard it. "What about your parents?" Wednesday asked, her own curiosity getting the better of her; even if curiosity killed the cat, satisfaction brought it back. "You know, Weems won't stop looking. She's better than you think," Esmarie warned in hopes to change the subject, Wednesday obviously picked up on that but didn't push knowing she wouldn't want someone to push her.

"Are you underestimating my skills, Esmarie?" Wednesday asked in a low tone that sounded like a purr to Esmarie, a tone she wanted to hear again. "Perhaps I am," Esmarie teased making Wednesday smirk, neither of them noticing the new faces walking into the diner. "You shouldn't underestimate me, Esmarie. I'm capable of many, many things," Wednesday replied with that same purr-like tone. "Don't say it if you can't prove it," Esmarie told Wednesday in her own low tone, the two girls had leaned forward with challenge in their eyes and a strange feeling within their hearts; they had been so in the moment that Esmarie failed to notice the glare on Tyler's face seeing how close the two girls became.

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