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Third Person's Point of View

"Information is power in our field, Jaehyun." Diego snapped and walked towards Haera. One of Diego's men grabbed a chair and placed it in front of Haera. Diego immediately sat on it. "So, shall we start?" A smirk forming on his lips.

Haera's body was starting to shake and her senses were starting to fade away. Even so, she tried to fight every pain she was feeling. She knew how she wanted to give up but a part of her too wanted to push herself further because as long as she is breathing, her family's legacy stays alive.

"Why don't we do this some other time?" Jaehyun suggested, his hands in his pocket.

"Now's the best time to do this." Diego replied.

"She can't handle it anymore, Diego. We cannot get information from her if she's dead." Jaehyun pushed. He couldn't help but look away at Haera's kneeling body on the wooden floor. Her wrists were dripping with blood and the wound on her throat was swollen. Even her back that was exposed in front of several men was full of bruises and deep cuts. It wasn't a mystery anymore why Haera was feeling like she was drifting away from reality.

"I just need to know the code and I can kill her already." Diego said without any remorse.

"The serum is in full effect now." Zach suddenly spoke while checking the watch on his wrist.

"Great. Now, it's time to test your so called serum, Zach." Diego smiled and crossed his legs.

"You won't be disappointed." Zach raised an eyebrow.

"What's your name?" Diego asked as if he did not know the answer. He wanted to see for himself if the serum was really working.

Haera stayed quiet, she did not want to answer to Diego's useless questions, but as seconds passed by she could feel a striking pain in her body. It was more painful in the back of her neck and head.

"See. Just like magic." Zach remarked.

Jaehyun looked away from Haera's miserable situation. Diego, on the other hand, had a big smile on his face.

"Make... make it stop!" Haera pleaded, her back arched and eyes shut closed.

"You just have to answer truthfully." Zach said, trying to help Haera. He wasn't the type to enjoy these types of scenes.

"Yang H...Haera." She answered almost out of breath. Zach nodded and watched how Haera's body started to relax.

"Just say the truth and there will be no pain. Don't force yourself to stay quiet too." Zach added. "Just do what you have to do and end it quickly." He whispered in Diego's ear, turned his heel away, and sat on a chair away from Haera.

"As always, no fun." Diego whispered underneath his breath. "Anyways, mind telling me what's the code for the vault?"

Haera paused to think of Diego's question.


She thought to herself.

"Can't remember now?" Diego chuckled. "The vault that was passed down from generations to generations of the Yang Family. Of course, you know the code to that."

"I...don't." Haera whispered, her throat was starting to throb with pain.

"Think, Haera. The serum knows if your system is aware of the information. Technology is fucking crazy today." Diego laughed. Excitement was seen in his face.

"I really c—" Haera was cut off by her own screams. Her back landed on the cold wooden floor when her body gave up with the pain that rummaged through her body. "Please! I don't know! Please make it stop! Please!" Haera continuously pleaded, her body was uncontrollable already as she tried to fight the pain she couldn't see and defeat.


"How are we going to do this, cap?" Renjun asked.

Chenle's eyebrow raised in confusion. "Cap?"

"Captain." Renjun explained in one word.

"I know but since when did you call Jeno 'captain'?" Chenle asked.

"Since now. I mean, if we're going against Sin Nombre we're practically considered as rebels. So, underboss or not, Sueño or not, Jeno's our captain, right team?" Renjun smirked.

"Now is not the time to joke." Mark voiced out.

"But I'm not joking!" Renjun spoke back.

Jeno stayed unbothered. He was grateful that his team was willing to go far beyond as betraying Sin Nombre just so they could fight for what is right, yet what didn't change is his guilt and longing for Haera.

"Genio is on their way." Jeno suddenly announced.

"Genio? Since when are we partners with them?" Mark raised an eyebrow.

"Winwin and Lucas are good friends of mine. Jaehyun used to be a member of Genio too so it's also their business. Jaehyun just raised hell. Genio is mad at him. It's natural they want to punish the traitor too." Jeno explained. The members nodded. "For now, ready all our supplies and weapons. Load them in the car and ready yourselves. This won't be easy."

The members quickly bowed their heads in response to their leader's orders. They quickly followed Jeno's instructions and just like that, Sueño was ready to fulfill their unit's purpose.

Eight ; Lee JenoWhere stories live. Discover now