Insulted (4)

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"you're telling me to marry that idiot !" Said taehyung almost yelling at his parents

"Taehyung ,what is this behaviour ??" Said taehyung's father sternly

"I'm ..s..sorry dad but ...I can't marry!" Said taehyung

"Taehyung ,everyone needs to forget their past and live in the present ... we're your parents and we really wanna see you living to the fullest again!" Said taehyung's father


"Just forget her already ,she was your past ...just move on now wasn't even your fault !!" Said taehyung's mother interrupting taehyung

Taehyung left from there in anger while his parents sighed in disbelief
In Min's house

"You want me to marry ?? ..but why ?? .. didn't you say that you'll wait for my result and if I couldn't pass only then you'll marry me to someone!!" Said yoongi to his father

"I did but ...forget about it ...I want you to marry as soon as possible!!" Said yoongi's father

"Fine ,tell me who's the girl !" Said yoongi chewing a gum .

He was so confident that his father must've found a girl for him but

"Not a girl but a boy!" Said yoongi's mother and yoongi spit out the gum on the floor

"Wh...what THE HELL .... HOW CAN YOU .... DAD .... IS THIS YOUR CONCERN FOR ME ?? ... HOW CAN YOU MARRY ME TO A BOY!!" said yoongi yelling at his parents

"First of all stop yelling your lungs out ... And second we aren't asking for your opinion but just telling you that YOU.ARE.GOING.TO.MARRY.A.BOY.NEXT.WEEK" said yoongi's father

" week ... How ....why ..... Arrrghh ...who the hell is he ?? At least let me meet him !!" Said yoongi in frustration

"No need !! ........honey , give him something to eat while I do my work !!" Said yoongi's father changing the topic

They didn't even tell yoongi that the boy he was gonna marry is taehyung !!

"I know I can't do anything now as dad has already decided it for me ....I can't change it but I can divorce him later !! ...I would irritate that guy to the core that he will beg to divorce me!!" Thought yoongi smirking

At night

"It's time to forget about her , taehyung!" Said taehyung's mother caressing his cheek softly and tears escaped taehyung's eyes

"It was fault !! ...I .... couldn't her !!" Said taehyung while sobbing on his mother's shoulder

"It wasn't !! Stop blaming yourself , Tae please!! .... And just ..think about him now ...yoongi ....he's a nice boy .... Think about it....he made you laugh , didn't he ??" Asked taehyung's mother

"That doesn't make him funny , it was just because of him being a dumbhead!! can I marry a dumb person like him !!" Said taehyung wiping his tears away

"He's not dumb ... It's just how he is !!  Indeed he's different from you but ... He's not bad .... And also don't disrespect him , he's older than you remember when you were young he had beaten you because you ate his tangerine!!" Said taehyung's mother laughing at Tae

"I was ...beaten by him ?? ... Me ?? I ?? dare he !!" Said taehyung getting mad

"You both were kids back then .... You've beaten by him so many times when you were a kid but when you turned 9 we moved to abroad and now you both don't even recognize each other's face!" She said chuckling but taehyung poked his tongue internally thinking about yoongi must've beaten him just because of a tangerine

"Mom, please ...I don't wanna mar................................"

"I'm tired now , taehyung !! .... Please I also wanna see someone with my son who'll hold his hand in every problem .... I've never forced you for anything , you did what you wanted but this time !! ...can't you listen to your mom ??" Said his mother interrupting him

"Emotional blackmailing , mom!!" Said taehyung sighing in disbelief

"Whatever you say but I want you to marry and that too with yoongi only !! ... Just ready week're gonna get married ...that's it !!..I don't wanna hear anything else !!" Said taehyung's mother and she left the room

Taehyung threw himself on the bed sighing in disappointment

"Oh God why.....what did my mom see in him that she wants me to marry him immediately .... Why .... How can I accept someone like him as my life partner ...that idiot won't graduate in his whole life ..... Mom has selected a dumbhead for me !!" Thought taehyung cursing his fate
Next day at the University

Taehyung looked irritated even before he entered the class but after entering the class and seeing yoongi there , his blood boiled

"Get up and solve this sum !!" Said taehyung suddenly and yoongi frowned at him

"Haven't you heard me ?? ...come out and solve this sum on the board !!" Said taehyung again strictly

"He got some serious issues with me !!' yoongi muttered under his breath but got up and walked to the board

"Wh..which sum ??" Asked yoongi to taehyung and taehyung showed him

Yoongi took the chalk and started staring at the board .... He had nothing to write ...he didn't know how to solve it so he just wrote the sum statement

"What is this ??" Asked taehyung glaring at yoongi

"S...sum !!" Said yoongi looking down as he knew what he did !!

"I told you to solve it not to ....
.. ............................"

"I ....I don't know to ..s....solve it !" Said yoongi interrupting taehyung

Taehyung poked his tongue inside his mouth and got up from the chair

"you don't know , how to solve it huh ..... Then why do you come here ?? ..... Yesterday when I was clearing the doubts and answering the questions of your classmates ,you were sitting there like you knew everything!!" Said taehyung approaching yoongi and he stepped back

"ARE YOU DUMB OR WHAT !! ....  STOP COMING HERE IF YOU CAN'T STUDY!" said taehyung raising his voice

"S..sorry ....sir !!" Said yoongi looking down

"Why ?? ... You owe an apology to your parents for wasting their money and time on you know what ! I've never seen someone as worthless as you !!" Said taehyung bursting out in anger

"I ... I've already apologized....s..........................."

"Do you guys know that he's probably 5 to 6 years older than all of you but still is your classmate...... And I think after graduating If anyone from you guys became a lecturer here like me you'd still find him here as a student" said taehyung and the class burst into laughter

Yoongi felt so embarrassed and humiliated that tears escaped his eyes but he immediately wiped his eyes

"Look up Mr.fighter ...are you embarrassed hm !! ....don't you wanna fight back ?? Look u.............................."

Taehyung paused in mid sentence when he noticed how yoongi's eyes were teary

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