Made for each other (3)

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"what the hell is wrong with you !!" Said yoongi getting mad at taehyung as taehyung pushed him harshly on the bed

"Why ? Don't you love being on bed under .............................."

"DON'T YOU DARE TO TALK LIKE THIS ABOUT ME !" said yoongi loudly interrupting taehyung

"What do you mean by *this* ?? " Asked taehyung

"Don't be so naive , okay !! are saying that I love to be on bed under someone !! ...what kind of manners do you ha..................................."

"Clean your mind !! .... I didn't mean that at all ... You didn't listen to me properly ...I wanted to say that you love to be on bed under the duvet as you are a lazy couch potato !" Said taehyung interrupting yoongi and yoongi felt dumbfounded

"Wh..what !! ..................."

"So stupid of you to even think that me THE KIM-TAEHYUNG will talk about this kind of stuff that too with you , ewwww!!" Said taehyung acting like throwing up and yoongi got mad

He got up from the bed and pushed taehyung back on the door , he hit his back on the door

"What the h....................."

taehyung was trapped in between yoongi's arms that's what yoongi thought but he couldn't get himself to look up at taehyung as he was half of taehyung's height and looking so tiny in front of him

"Owww , don't do this to me ...I'm shcared!" Said taehyung laughing and yoongi got even more mad

"STOP LAUGHING !!" said yoongi gritting his teeth

"I won't !! ...I will laugh as much as I want , I've got teeth , eeee" said taehyung showing his teeth

"Give me the keys ..I wanna go out !!" Said yoongi but taehyung wasn't ready to give him the keys instead he this time pinned yoongi to the wall and tied his hands above his head

"What are you doing ...stop it .... Leave my hands .... What is this nonsesnse ...  Why !!" Said yoongi getting annoyed

.he tried to free himself and even he was gonna kick in between taehyung's legs but taehyung was fast enough to catch him and locked his legs in between his legs too making no space for him to even move now

"I'm just teaching you that next time if you wanna pin someone to the wall then do it with someone shorter than you! otherwise you'll end up like this .... Now look at yourself looking so scared like I'll do something wrong to you !!" Said taehyung looked into yoongi's eyes

Yoongi looked away for a second as he couldn't looked directly into taehyung's eyes which he couldn't understand ,why ??

"Taehyung , let me go !" Said yoongi again

"We've met before, right !.... yoongi-hyung!" Said taehyung

" ...I don't even remember let me go !!" Said yoongi again but to tease him more taehyung pulled his arms even up making yoongi's shirt lift up

"Taehyung ....s...stop it !!" Said yoongi as he felt a pain rushing in his arms as taehyung stretched them too much now

"Why would I ?? ....I'm your teacher and you don't study in class so take it as a punishment from your teac...................................."

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