Chapter 34: Madam Qin

Start from the beginning

As they neared the summit, Fang Duobing's resolve only grew stronger. Despite the fatigue threatening to overwhelm him, he pushed forward with single-minded determination, his every thought focused on the task at hand. Nothing would stop him from fulfilling his promise to his friend, even if it meant sacrificing everything he had.

Li Lianhua's mind raced with thoughts as tears welled in his eyes, his heart heavy with unspoken words. "Fang Duobing," he whispered softly, his voice trembling with emotion, "thank you for everything you've done for me. You've risked so much to save me, and I'll never forget it."

In his mind, he imagined Fang Duobing's reassuring voice, filled with unwavering determination. "I promised to protect you, Li Lianhua. No matter what happens, I'll always be by your side."

Li Lianhua's lips quivered as he fought back tears, his heart aching with the weight of his hidden feelings. "I wish I could tell you how much you mean to me," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper, "but I can't risk hurting you. You deserve a future full of happiness, and I won't be the one to take that away from you."

Amidst the turmoil of his emotions, Li Lianhua made a silent vow to cherish their friendship, to hold onto the precious moments they shared. "I'll treasure every smile, every laugh," he vowed silently, his resolve firm, "and I'll carry your love with me, always."

With tears streaming down his cheeks, Li Lianhua turned to Fang Duobing, his heart overflowing with gratitude. "Thank you, my dear friend," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion, "for being the light in my darkest days."

As they approached Yunyin Mountain, the echoes of stern warnings reverberated through the air, followed by the ominous sound of triggered traps. Swords clashed against each other as Fang Duobing swiftly defended himself, his stance unwavering as he shielded Li Lianhua from harm.

"Madam Qin, it is I, Fang Duobing, accompanied by your disciple, Li Xiangyi," Fang Duobing called out, his voice filled with urgency. "Please, we need your help. Open the door."

From within the pavilion, Madam Qin's voice rang out, skeptical and unyielding. "Li Xiangyi has been gone for five years. Do not attempt to deceive me."

Li Lianhua's heart sank as tears welled in his eyes, but Fang Duobing's determination only grew stronger. Despite the odds, he refused to give up.

Falling to his knees before the gate, Fang Duobing bowed deeply, tears streaming down his cheeks as he pleaded with all his heart. "Please, Madam Qin, I beg of you. Save Li Lianhua. I will do anything you ask of me. Just please, save him."

Suddenly, the heavy gate creaked open, revealing Madam Qin's figure as she approached them with an air of authority.

"Where have you been all these years?" Madam Qin's voice wavered with emotion as she enveloped Li Lianhua in a tearful embrace, welcoming them inside.

Stepping into the pavilion, Li Lianhua's gaze fell upon his master's memorial tablet, a flood of memories washing over him as he bowed deeply in reverence. Beside him, Fang Duobing followed suit, his plea for help echoing in the solemn silence. "Li Lianhua is afflicted with a deadly poison. Please, I beg of you, help him."

As they entered the room Madam Qin concentrated her internal powers and tried to remove the the poison inside Li Lianhua but all in vain as Li Lianhua ended being weak and fainted. As she rested him on the bed she turned to Fang Duobing.

"It is beyond cure." she sighed, "we have only one hope that is the yin and yang flower, which is only found in high altitude Fuji mountains. It is not easy to find one."

"I will go there." Fang Duobing immediately stood up and suddenly, a wave of dizziness washed over him, causing him to stagger and grasp onto the nearest chair for support. Concern etched on their faces, Madam Qin swiftly checked his pulse.

"Fang Duobing, did you consume the child-bearing elixir?" Madam Qin asked with a grave expression.

"How did you know? Can you help me remove it from my body?" he asked eagerly, hoping for a solution to his predicament.

"I'm afraid I cannot remove the elixir from your body, and no one can at this moment."

Confusion clouded Fang Duobing's features. "What do you mean?" he questioned, his voice tinged with concern.

"You are pregnant and that too with triplets," Madam Qin revealed, causing Fang Duobing's jaw to drop in shock.

"No... it can't be. It—" Fang Duobing struggled to find the words, his mind reeling from the revelation.

"The babies are healthy. I've checked your pulse," Madam Qin reassured him, her tone comforting.

Fang Duobing was left speechless, the weight of the news hitting him hard. "This can't be happening," he whispered, feeling overwhelmed.

Madam Qin took Fang Duobing's hands in hers, offering her support. "I am here for you. It is a miracle. I will help you deliver your babies. Take your time," she said soothingly, providing him with reassurance in the face of uncertainty.

To be continued...

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