Chapter 8

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WARNING-Swearing!!! Lemon!! (just read, trust me :))

Nobodys pov

"My brain is going to error anytime soon-" Clay randomly said. "Viva is Poppy's sister?!" Floyd was pausing, recaculating his brain.

"How- is this even possible?!" John asked, shocked as well. "I saw this coming-" Bruce said casually.

"Well we are, It's a long story I do not want to get into" Viva shrugged. John then turns to clay, "We gotta go now" 

"Alright, lets go save branch" Clay clenched his fist, "Viva, you coming?" Clay asked. Viva hesitated for a moment.

"I-I..I really want to save my baby bro-" Viva was interrupted by John. "Baby bro? He is our baby brother.." He glared at viva.

"I took care of him when a certain some trolls left him." Viva glared back. "Guys maybe we shouldn't-" Poppy tried to calm them down.

"You left him all alone! A 1 years old in a big world, alone." Viva took a step forward, glaring john down.

"We did not leave him all alone, we left him with our grandma" Bruce backed john up. 

"OH YEAH, WITH YOUR GRANDMA!? FOR HOW LONG-" Viva paused, She seemed to realise something.

"Poppy? You did not tell them?" Viva looked at poppy with disbelief.

Poppy looked back with a sad expression, "They were so sad losing branch, I did not have the heart to tell them" 

"Tell us what?" Clay asked.

"Guys..I lied" Poppy looked at the brothers. "Lied about what?" Floyd gasped. "About grandma Rosiepuff.." Viva stood next to poppy.

"What abut Rosiepuff..?" Bruce asked with a worried expression. "She is not in Mount Rageous.." Poppy said.

"She...died.." Viva said. The brothers stared at them. They were shocked, Sad, upset. 

"G-Grandma's dead..?" Floyd stuttered.

"A bergen grabbed her.." Viva looked away for a second. The brothers had tears flowing down from their eyes.

They were sad and angry, not at branch but at themselves. They left branch to fend off for himself and he ended up dead.

"We l-left..our b-baby brother...a-alone..At the a-age o-of 5..?" Bruce stuttered. John then wiped his tears.

"What are we waiting for!? Let's save him!" John clenched his fist tightly. "You're right, We can't sit around feeling sorry now!" Floyd got up.

"We left him in the past and we are not leaving him now.!!" Floyd encouraged Bruce and clay. "Your right!" Bruce stood up.

"Let's go save bitty b!" Clay also stood up. "And Kick those overgrown Sephora kid's asses!" John said.

They all ran to Rhonda, Viva turned to the Putt Putt trolls, "Putt Putt Trolls, I am leaving Debbie in charge in our absence" Viva pointed to one of the generals.

Viva then turned to poppy, "i'm going to save him too" Poppy smiled back at her when Viva said that.

They hopped onto The Armadillo bus and left, Ready to save branch.

Meanwhile with branch,

"No-" He had been saying no for the past 1 hour. "WHY NOT!?" Velvet yelled at him. "for the last fucking time, trolls are not perfume-" He rolled his eyes.

Branch got so fed up, he spawned a lemon outside the perfume bottle and sprayed it into Velvet's eyes. 

"HAHA, TAKE THAT YOU BITCH!" Branch laughed. "*Insert Demonic screams of pain" Velvet yelled and screamed in pain.

Told you you could trust me, no lemons, just the literal ones. HEHE

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