Part 1: Sokeefe, Sofitz nO sOfOrKlE

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Hi everyone! 

This is my first real fan fiction! Plz tell me what you think of it and feel free to edit in the comments! This is set before Sokeefe is official probably sometime after or before legacy but let's just pretend Keefes not in a coma..

Let's start!

Gisela POV:

The Neverseen were arguing.

Not about plans for world domination, they were just for show.

No, they were arguing about who Sophie should end up with.

Personally Gisela - and most of the Neverseen - shipped sokeefe. But some people, Gisela glared at Ruy and Gethen, were fitzphie.


No wonder the Black Swan thought they were evil!

They just couldn't see that Sokeefe was so much better! She just wanted what was good for her son... and Sophie.

If Sokeefe wasn't endgame she was going to kill someone.

Preferably that infernal Ritz cracker.

She had her priorities straight: Sokeefe, then worry about guilt.

But the bigger problem was how Biana would take it if her brother was killed.

Biana was one of the few OG Sokeefe Shippers - And the Founder of SOKEEKE

SOKEEFE SOKEEFE (Silveny had come up with the name) the club where the few dedicated shippers got together to fangirl and share the latest goss.

The current members were: Elwin, Tiergan, most of the Neverseen, Tam - and Sophies other friends apart from ritz - Grady, Alden, Della and Flori and the presidents were the almighty Edaline, Ro, Silveny, Biana and of course, herself, Gisela.

She knew how hard Tiergan to pretend to be oblivious and suffer through Ritzphie staring into each other's eyes (ugh it made her want to hurl just thinking about it), she pitied Grady for having to hate "That Boy" and hated that Alden had to talk her son out of pursuing Sophie, but it was all in the name of the Greater Sokeefe.

So, anyway, back to the point, They COULDN'T lose Biana. She was the one who organised the weekly meetings and sleepovers!

Gisela's thought process was interrupted by someone yelling out "I SHIP SOFORKLE." The room fell silent.



Someone else followed by saying "I ship sotam". and another " I ship dexphie!"

It was almost enough to make Gisela want to kill Tam and Dex, even though she had already kidnapped Dex, forced Tam to join the Neverseen and killed a Forkle - all in the name of Sokeefe of course! After all, she wasn't a TOTAL monster! (yeah ofc, ur not a monster 🙄)

She would have to check in with Biana next week to see how their "project" was going. If it had worked she would be able to gloat all she wanted, as Sokeefe would have finally won the ship war...

Sorry it's a bit short :( I probably won't update for a while as I have no idea where it's going.. plz share if you liked it or not!

Word count: 400

Love y'all


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