I did what Juni said.

the next day i pleaded to my science teacher hoping he could switch i begged and i begged until he finally said yes

"FINE, but only because you're my favorite student". "he switched drew with jayden. i was compeletly fine with jayden

Me and jayden worked well together.

During science class, right after we were told to meet up w our partners. I could see in Drew's eyes that he was confused on why I sat with jayden and not him. Our eyes locked in for a second, what felt like an eternity then I turned away to face Jayden. I could still see the him glaring at me with a confused face from the corner of the room.

Drew had been assigned with a new partner Darren Adams. Today was the one day I actually felt bad for Drew. Darren never comes to school. He smelt like sweat and rotten eggs, he always wore long tank tops that exposed his disgusting hairy pits and the reason he was always sweaty was because he was on the track team. That's right, he's a student athlete. Don't ask me how because I don't know either.

While we were working, I could tell Jayden was looking at me as I wrote down the hypothesis.
"What? Do I have something on my face?" I asked.
"No" he replied in what sounded like a focused and unfocused voice.
"Then why do you keep staring at me? Huh". I continued to ask
" Because I never realized pretty you looked till now" Jayden replied

What Jayden said sent my heart into a flying shock. I think he could even see me blush. Though I didn't know if I should take it as a compliment or not, like was trying to say I wasn't pretty when I had a crush on him? I just smiled and put my head down and he did the same.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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