chapter ➍

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It was the next day i had woken up with such dark circles because got no sleep. Even Ella and avi noticed. i had gone really heavy on that foundation and powder. i couldn't function during math class, for the first time ever i hated math. All it did was make my brain scrabble and hurt it felt like all the equations were escaping from my brain.

At lunch time avi and ella asked if i was excited to go over to drews house. i told them i wasn't but really I was really excited, Its not everyday you get to go to a 2Million dollar mansion.


i gazed at Drew's massive gigantic mansion. it was a modern contemporary looking mansion with 3 stories. i was trembling with fear as i walked up the mini stairs and long pathway. i ringed the door bell. If i wasn't already trembling with fear i was now as a camera moved into my face.

"What type of mad technology even is this" i said as the automatic french double door opened. i walked inside to be greated my a nice lady who looked like she was in her mid 50s going by the name Floria. she handed me some hot towels that i used to clean my hands.

"Hi sweetie. are you here for Mr Drew?" Asked Floria.

Mr Drew?!? is this guy royalty or something i thought.

"yes! may i ask a question.. why do you insist on calling him Mr Drew?". I said

"oh darling. it is apart of my job requirements, Drew is my boss so he goes by Mr drew."

"oh ok"

Floria directed me to the couch, she offered me some cookies and hot chocolate as we waited for Drew's stuck up ass.


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