Chapter 25 - Bonus Chapter

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Sam looked at her daughter, she know Little Sam is like her, she took deep breath

"Dada will be mad if you are behave like this"

Sam said and went on the floor picked up the chocolate and asked Max and Liam to give their chocolate too, they gave to her.

Sam put all the chocolate on the nightstand
and asked Little Sam to hold her hand. Little Sam did what her Dada said, Sam wishper to her wife's ear

"I will talk to her, you stayed with them" Mon nod
"Sweetheart, Buddy be with Mama, ok"

They nod their little head, Sam took her eldest daughter and went down, she sit on their sofa and let Little Sam sit next to her.

"Princess, don't you love your sister and brother"
"I love them"
"Then, what you did to them"
"Dada I am big then them, I want more chocolate"
"Uhmm you are big so that you can look after them, they do what you do, they looked up at you and follow your footsteps. They are your little ones, you have to looked after them"

Little Sam think, she didn't said anything

"Princess, you are their sister, you have to look after them, if you are good they will be good."
"OK Dada"
"OK tell me what you want to say"
"I don't know"
"Are you not happy with them?"
"I don't know"
"Look at Dada"

Little Sam looked at Sam
"Do you know how much Dada love you all, I love you three very much, with Mama.
We are family, family should looked after each other, they are little, you are my princess,  and good princess look after her sister and brother.
I know you love them very much, like I love you. So don't fight with them princess."

"We are not fighting Dada, I just want more chocolate"
Sam smile, her princess is stubborn as her, she took a deep breath

"OK, Don't you want them, will you be happy alone without them, eating alone, playing alone, watching cartoon alone"

Little Sam think then she shake her head
Sam smile,
"OK then, you said you like Elsa, right"

Little Sam nod her head
"What did princess Elsa do"
"Princess Elsa protect her little sister"

"Uhmm you know she was unhappy when she was not able to play with her sister, but when they are together, they stand for eachother, care for eachother, help eachother and they are happy when they are together. Am I right my princess"

Sam watch the movie like hundreds time, even remembered all dialogue from the movie.
Little Sam nod her head,

"You are good princess, a good sister who always looked after her younger sister and brother, and treat them equally, giving them same share as you"

This time Little Sam smile,
"OK Dada, I will be a good princess"
"You are, no matter what, you should love and care them, they will return their love for you, if you fight unnecessary people will take advantage of you"

"OK Dada, I am sorry, no fighting"
"Uhmm, let's go they must be waiting for us"

When they reach the room, Sam pick up the chocolate from the nightstand and gave to Little Sam, Little Sam took the chocolates and move towards Max and Liam, they looked at her.

Then she gave 3 chocolate each to her younger sibling and she took 3. Mon looked at Sam, Sam just winked.

Now, Max is happy as she got same as her sister, she smile, Liam too.

"Cupcake, Bubba, Sissy is sorry"
Little Sam opened her arm, both her younger sibling runs towards her and they hugged eachother.

"I love you Cupcake, I love you Bubba"
"I love you too Sissy" Both reply
"OK let's go, let's play cooking game"
Little Sam run out of door, her younger sibling runs after her.

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