Chapter 11- We Are Family

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Sam opened her eyes, her left arm couldn't feel, she move a little, someone snuggling more towards her left side. She came to know why she can't felt her left arm.

She looked down, there she saw Mon is sleeping, her hand is wrapping around Sam's body.

Mon's hair cover half of her face, Sam put the hair behind Mon's ear, now she can see full face, she looked so beautiful and lovely.

Sam smile to see the most beautiful sight in the early morning. She just move her head and gave a peck on Mon's forehead.
Mon move a little, try to open her eyes, then she looked up at her

"Good morning" Sam said
"Good morning" Mon smile
"Did you sleep well?"
"I did"

Sam smile,
"Why you smile?" Mon asked
"Because of you"
"Uhmm, you. Baby I am so happy, Do I deserved this happiness? "
"You deseved every happiness in this world, Khun Sam"

Sam move towards Mon's lip, but Mon immediately put her hand in-between.

"What happened, Don't you like my kiss"
"I didn't brush my teeth"
"What Baby?, I don't care. What I need is a kiss from you before starting my day"

Sam move towards Mon's lip and gave a sweet good morning kiss, they doesn't want to go deep as their daughter is sleeping next to them and may wake up any time.

"Khun Sam let get up, lets make breakfast for everyone"

Sam looked at Mon with knitted eyes. Mon know, Miss Mea won't come till lunch hours.

"What?? Khun Sam, Lets go, you are helping me ok, I need you on my side, you said you will listen to me"

Mon said making the cutest face Sam ever saw in her life.

"Ok, but you know what, they will laugh at me"
"You know my family"
"Don't think anything, just think you are helping your wife"

Mon said, Sam smile widely showing all her teeth
"Ok enough of that, Khun Sam go fresh up, I will wake up your photocopy "
"Uhmm,, haha what Baby"
"I am saying the truth only, she is your photocopy, don't you see"
Sam laugh

They fresh up and wake up their daughter. Sam followed Mon in the kitchen, Little Sam already run towards her grandparents room.
Sam and Mon are making breakfast, Sam stealing kisses from Mon time to time. Sam thought she wasted lots of time before.

After while, Sam sisters came towards kitchen and saw Sam making breakfast.

"Uhmm someone can cook food, I never know our Samanan can cook " Neung said took a chair

"Good morning, phi" Mon wished them
"Morning Mon" "Morning" Sam sisters returns Mon wishes

"Mon, how you handle her" Neung asked
"Haha phi, she is easy to handle"
"Uhhmm someone is head over heels for you"
Neung said, Song just smile looking at Sam.

Sam just ignored her sisters comments, continued what she was doing.

"Haha phi" Mon smile
"Oii Sam, you really know how to cook" Song asked Sam
"Phi you will know when you put my food in your mouth" Sam answered
"I am ready"

Everyone laught except Sam, who is pouting her lip because of her sisters teasing.

After a few minutes their parents come to kitchen with their granddaughter.

"Good morning Dad"
"Good morning Mom"

Mon wished Sam's parents
Both wished her back

Mr ans Mrs Anantrakul looked at each other when they saw Sam in the kitchen. They just smile without giving a comment.

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