Chapter 24 - Special Chapter

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Sam's family is at a park, she is with her princess, Mon sitting on a bench with Max.

Little Sam is so cute on her pink bicycle, wearing pink helmet, with whatever safety gears that is available in the store.
The training wheels that help children learn the art of balancing, is removed from the bicycle.

For last two months, Little Sam is riding with training wheels, but today she is going to ride without it.

Sam is holding the rare part of bicycle, her daughter is sitting on the saddle, her little hands are on the handlebars, and her feet are on the pedals.
Sam reminds her daughter about their two months classes.

"Princess, are you ready?"
"Dada, I am scared"
"Ohh, my sweet don't be scared, Dada is with you all the time"
"Dada, not leave your hand"
"I will be behind you, Princess. Remembered what to do if you want to stop or you want to change the direction"
"Put the brake, move the handlebars in the direction I want"
"Uhmm, just calm, take a deep breathe, you can do it"

Little Sam took a deep breathe, like her Dada teach her
"OK Dada"
"OK let's go"

Little Sam start to move her feet on the pedals, the bicycle start to move forwards, Sam just holding the backrest slightly.

"Dada don't leave me" Little Sam shouted
"I am still behind you princess"

Slowly, Sam removed her hand. Her princess is riding without her support.

Mon smile, looking at her daughter who is riding the bicycle without any support. Sam run on her daughter side
"See princess you can drive without me"
Little Sam smile and continue riding

"Princess, try to turn around, change the direction" Sam shouted

Little Sam try to change the direction, she succeeded first, then after few seconds her bicycle fall. Sam run towards her, picked up her.

"Princess, did you hurt anywhere?"
"No Dada" Little Sam said smiling
"Oh, you drive on your own, Princess"
"I did, Dada"

Little Sam said hugging her Dada

Mon came towards them, holding Max.
"Oh my Bunny, can ride a bicycle on her own"
"Mama, I did it"
Little Sam is jumping around

"Oh, Mama and Dada are so proud of you" Mon said, her daughter smile widely, showing all her teeth.

Their life is continue like every one else, Sam goes to office, Little Sam already finished pre school. She start going to School for primary education. Mon is in her last year of online courses.
Max is enjoying her days sleeping, eating, playing.
But they spend their time together when they are free.
They had regular meeting with their family and friends too.

Sam enter the bedroom, she came for lunch. There, Mon is laying on the bed, Max is sleeping next to her.

Sam looked at Mon, She know Mon has been crying, her eyes are red, then looked at sleeping Max, her chin is covered by two bandaid. She sit on the bed next to Mon.

"Mommy, what happened?"
"Her chin cuts, fall from chair. I am sorry Daddy. That's was just in blink of eye, I was just grabbing her water"

Max is already 1 year old, she start to walk a little on her own. So she move a lot lately.

"Hey, don't worry, nothing will happened. It's normal to get cuts and bruises to a baby"

"She cried a lot, she must be in pain, I am sorry"
"Hey Mommy looked at me"
Mon looked at Sam, she continue

"That's not because of you Mommy, its will heal in few days.
She is just baby, sometimes they fall, they get up again, then they fall, that's how they learn to walk, thats how they grow"

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