Chapter 10 - You Own My Heart ❤️

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Everyone is around the dinner table except Mrs Anantrakul and Mon, who are in kitchen bringing the foods on the table.

Mr Anantrakul is sitting on head of table, next to him, Little Sam is sitting there, on other side, is chair for Mrs Anantrakul.
Neung and Song sit opposite to Sam. There is an empty chair next to Sam.

The foods were already finished by their housekeeper, Miss Mea.

Mon met Miss Mea previously, she work at the mansion for long time, she is about 50. Mon came to know about Sam childhood from Miss Mea, how Sam was when she was little.
Mrs Anantrakul told Mon that Mea is like a family member too, she take care of girls when they were young.

But today Miss Mea went home after making dinner as there is some emergency work at her house.

After putting the food on table, Mrs Anantrakul took chair next to her husband, Mon on right of Sam.

Dinner went quietly, in-between Little Sam talk, but for the adults, less words are coming out of their mouth.

Mr Anantrakul clear his throat
"Samanan, I think alot"

Sam looked up at her father, but didn't said anything. Others too looked at Mr Anantrakul. He continued

"I need to talk with you and Kornkamon, about important matter, after dinner"

Sam blink
"Ok Dad"

After dinner, first Mr Anantrakul left kitchen with his granddaughter. Mon said, she and Sam will clean up.

Sam try to go away but Mon looked at her
"Khun Sam, please bring the plate"
Sam just followed what Mon said to her, bringing all the plates on the wash basin.

Her mother and sisters smile looking at Sam, they know their stubborn Samanan is totally simp for the girl.

Sam and Mon came in Mr Anantrakul reading room. He saw them and asked to take the chairs infront of him.

"Ok Sam, even I am angry at you, past is past. We couldn't changed a thing about it.
So, I think alot. Don't deny what I am going to say"

"What Dad?"
"I want you two get married"

Sam blink, Mon just looked down on her joind hand, that is on her lap.
"What Dad?"
"I said you two get married"

"Uhhh, I don't get it"
"What you don't get it, I didn't speak some alien language ? Don't let me repeat my words Samanan"

"I heard you Dad, but how could you said something like that casually without our knowledge, it will be our decision, if we want to get married or not"

"Sam, I am trying to be nice here, you two had a daughter together and you both live in same house, its better to give a level. Don't you think that?"

"What are you saying Dad...Are you....."

"Can we answer tomorrow, Sir" Mon asked Mr Anantrakul

Sam father smile, and nod

"You can take time, Learn something from her Samanan, she is too good, you are too lucky"
Mr Anantrakul said looking at his youngest daughter
Then he looked at Mon

"And don't call me Sir. You can called me Uncle or Dad"
"Ok Dad"

Mr Anantrakul smile at Mon, Sam just rolled her eyes, She never see him like that showing his teeth. Sam thought it's so cringe to see him like that.

When they came out of the room, Sam asked Mon to go to her room with their daughter, She said she will come in a while.

Sam went to their back garden, sit on a long chair, looking up the sky. She thought her plan to confessed her feeling to Mon is ruined. Now her mood is somewhere, mixing of sad, angry emotions.

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