Chapter 9 - My Daughter's Mother

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One afternoon, Sam went out with Mon and their daughter for a movie. They have been enjoying their time together.

After the movie, they were sitting in food court, enjoying their food.
Sam order whatever they want.

Little Sam is fond of spicy food like her Dada, but Mon is different, she can't eat spicy food.

Mon smile looking at her daughter, she is totally after Sam. Looks, behavior everything.

While they were having foods, Little Sam suddenly asked
"Dada, why don't you kiss Mama"

Sam just choke at her coffee, she cough. She clear her throat, looked at Mon, who is trying to hold her laugh, pursing her lip together, looking around the food court.

"What princess??" Sam asked her daughter
"Why, You and Mama doesn't kiss eachother"
"Why you asked?"
"You know, Hally's parents kiss each other, Kira's too"
"Did you see them kissing?"

"No they said, their parents kissed each other on their mouth"

Sam doesn’t know what is happening to kids these days, they are so advance in everything.
Even her daughter is so advance in everything, kids these days are way ahead of them.
Sam thought, she doesn’t know anything when she was 4 other than eating, sleeping, playing.

"Oh princess, from now on you are not allowed to talk about it"
"But Why?"
"Because it's an adult talk, how parents kiss each other"
"But my friends talk about it, I never see you two kissing"
Sam try to calm herself down.

"Enough, princess. There is some talk that only adult should know, when you grown up you will know but now, lets not talk about it. And kissing should not be done in front of other people, ok and you are too young to talk about it. Do you understand?"

"Ok, sorry Dada. I won't talk about it. But do you and Mama kiss secretly in mouth, not in front of me"

"Ohhh princess, Dada will be mad if you keep talking about it, leave that topic, ok"

"Ok Dada no more talking about mouth kissing"

Mon just smile, she let Sam handle the situation, as their daughter is growing up, she asked a lots of questions, that includes lots of topic too. Sometimes she asked wired questions too. Its nature for children her ages asked lots of questions,  they are eager to know about everything. Little Sam is smart, she know the situation, if her Dada or Mama tell to stop, she stopped.

"Uhmm good, finish your ice cream, we are late for shopping"

Sam looked at Mon
"Ahh Mon, do you need more milk tea?"
"No Khun Sam, I am full"
"Ahh Mon, I need to talk about something with you"
"What is it Khun Sam?"
"Uhhmm it's about something personal?"
"What?" Mon smile and asked

"We will talk when we reached home, you know, we need to talk in private, not in front of this smart head"
"Uhmm, yeah"

Sam thought she will confessed to Mon about her feeling, she think alot about it and come to conclusion that her friends were right, without asking or confessing to Mon, how could she know about Mon's feeling.
Even it is scary, she is ready to confessed to Mon. She hope it's go well.

After having foods, they went for shopping, Both Sam and her daughter took permission from Mon, before they buy something from the store, Mon smile looking at them. Sam is  grown up woman but she is just like her daughter. Its like Mon is with two Kids.

They came out of mall, Sam is holding the shopping bag on her right hand and on left, she hold her daughter's hand. Mon is walking next to them.

"Sam" Sam stopped, she know who belong the voice.
Mon and her daughter stopped too.

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