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As the train pulled into the Paris station, a soft morning light filtered through the windows. Bada gently tapped Sabrena on the shoulder, waking her from her sleep.

With a sleepy stretch, she blinked her eyes open, the excitement of the day ahead slowly seeping into her consciousness. With a yawn, she stretched and they both stood up and gathered their stuff to get off the train.

"So, what's on our agenda for the next 24 hours?" Bada inquired while waiting in line to get off, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Sabrena's lips curved into a grin at the idea of their Parisian adventure. "I was thinking of keeping it spontaneous, just living in the moment and enjoying our time together," she replied, her voice filled with excitement.

With a nod of agreement, they stepped off the train onto the platform, greeted by the vibrant energy of the city. The air was alive with the hum of chatter and the distant sounds of traffic, urban life unfolding around them.

Their first stop was the iconic Louvre, a treasure trove of art and history nestled in the heart of Paris. As they strolled through the manicured gardens leading up to the museum, Sabrena couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the impressiveness of their surroundings. Walking through the gardens hand in hand, they felt like they were in a dream.

The atmosphere was enchanting, with people enjoying the serene environment, sitting by the fountain, and listening to live music.

"I wish we could just stay here forever," Sabrena sighed, savoring the moment.

Bada was about to agree when they were interrupted by three young girls running up to them. "Oh my gosh!! You're Bada and Sabrena!"

The two girls smiled warmly at the group, greeting them and posing for pictures as requested.

However, the mood shifted slightly when one of the girls mustered up the courage to ask, "Are you two a couple?"

Sabrena choked on her coffee, surprised by the question, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as she struggled to find the right words.

Glancing at Bada, they shared a moment of silent communication before Sabrena stammered, "Uhhhh no, we're just... friends." It came out more like a question than a statement.

Bada followed up, her voice more assured, "Yes, we are just friends."

Although they both knew there was something more between them, they weren't quite ready to reveal it to the public, sharing only glimpses of their bond with the outside world.

After thanking the girls for their support, they made their way inside the Louvre, exploring the art exhibits and pausing to admire the Mona Lisa.

As they wandered through the maze-like gallery, admiring priceless works of art and centuries-old artifacts, Sabrena couldn't shake the feeling of gratitude that washed over her. In that moment, surrounded by history and beauty, she felt truly alive, her heart overflowed with a deep sense of contentment.

Despite not being able to see everything due to their time constraint, they still enjoyed everything the Louvre had to offer. Bada and Sabrena left the Louvre feeling grateful and exhilarated, as if they were the luckiest people alive.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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