Minho, felix, seungmin & Jeongin : Lets Have Some Fun (Smut)

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Minho, with a gentle yet teasing touch, caressed Y/N, eliciting soft hums of delight from her. He watched with a mix of pride and amusement as Felix knelt in front of her, his attention focused intently on her inner thighs and more sensitive areas. The atmosphere was electric, each breath and touch amplifying the excitement in the room.

"Are you enjoying this?" Minho asked Y/N, his voice low and teasing.

She could only nod, her voice caught in her throat, overwhelmed by the sensations Felix was evoking.
Jeongin was initially hesitant, caught Minho's encouraging glance. With a deep breath, he moved to sit beside Y/N, his lips finding hers in a tender, exploratory kiss. Slowly, his kisses trailed down her neck, then to her chest, each touch sending shivers through her body.

Y/N's senses heightened, bit her lip and ran her fingers through Jeongin's and Felix's hair, silently urging them to continue. Minho was observing the scene, couldn't help but chuckle softly, pleased to see how well his impromptu game was unfolding.
Seungmin had been watching with wide eyes, was beckoned by Y/N's inviting gaze. The eagerness in his eyes mirrored her own. He moved closer, his lips meeting hers in a kiss filled with an eager passion. His tongue danced with hers, drawing another hum from Y/N, a sound that seemed to echo through the room, heightening the intensity of the moment.
As Felix's skilled movements brought Y/N closer to the edge, her body responded instinctively. Her hips twitched, her legs closing around Felix's head in a moment of intense pleasure. He didn't stop, determined to prolong her ecstasy, his movements steady and focused.
The room was charged with an electric intensity, buzzed with soft moans and whispers, each sound a testament to the depth of their shared experience. The game had evolved, no longer just a playful challenge but an exploration of sensuality and connection.
Felix's lips glossy from the intensity of his actions, locked eyes with Y/N. A mischievous grin played on his lips as he licked them clean, signaling that the game was far from over. Minho, ever the orchestrator of this dance of desire, called out for a change in positions.
Jeongin, now positioned beneath Y/N, felt her hips rolling against him rhythmically, their synchronized hums of delight filling the room. His hands gently rested on her waist, guiding and supporting her movements. Seungmin, stationed behind Y/N, mirrored her motions, his hips moving in tandem with hers, adding another layer to the symphony of shared pleasure.

"Are you all still enjoying yourselves?" Minho asked, his voice laced with a mix of curiosity and excitement.

The responses were unanimous and enthusiastic affirmations, fueling the energy of the room.
Minho observed the scene, he felt a surge of excitement. The sight of his friends so intimately engaged with his girlfriend was both exhilarating and arousing. He bit his lower lip, a gesture of eager anticipation, as he savored every moment.
Y/N was feeling a magnetic pull, reached out and grabbed Felix's hand, drawing him closer. She began to kiss down his belly, each kiss sending vibrations of pleasure through him. As her kisses ventured lower, Felix tensed, his hand instinctively finding its way to her hair, encouraging her to continue.
Felix's eyes closed in bliss, was lost in the sensations Y/N was evoking. Meanwhile, Jeongin and Seungmin couldn't tear their eyes away from her. The sight of Y/N, so radiant and confident in her sensuality, was mesmerizing. It was clear to them how fortunate Minho was to be with someone as extraordinary as her.
The energy in the room continued to escalate, each touch and kiss adding to the crescendo of shared desire. The boundaries between them blurred, creating a sense of unity and understanding that went beyond words.
As Y/N continued her explorations, the room resonated with the sounds of heightened pleasure. Minho, Jeongin, Felix, and Seungmin were all entranced by the experience, each one playing a part in this intricate dance of desire.
Minho had been content to watch, now felt an irresistible urge to join in. He moved closer, his gaze intense and filled with a mix of admiration and desire.

"Y/N," he said softly, his voice barely more than a whisper, yet carrying the weight of his emotions.

Y/N turned towards Minho, her eyes shining with a mix of love and lust. She smiled, a silent invitation for him to join the dance. Minho was unable to resist the call, stepped into the circle they had formed, his presence adding another layer to the intricate tapestry of their shared experience.
Overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment, Seungmin was the first to reach his climax. A sharp bite on Y/N's shoulder accompanied his release, his hips momentarily still as he groaned softly against her skin. The sensation sent a thrill through Y/N, her breath hitching at the unexpected intensity.
After a moment of breathless stillness, he slowly pulled away. Minho seized the opportunity and took Seungmin's place behind Y/N, his movements a blend of gentleness and urgency. Felix was now nearing his own climax. His grip on Y/N's hair tightened, a clear indication of his increasing pleasure. As he reached the height of his ecstasy, his hips bucked involuntarily against her.
Once Felix had finished, he and Y/N shared a tender, affectionate kiss, a silent thank you for the shared moment. Y/N then turned her attention back to Jeongin, who was still moving beneath her. Jeongin wanted to savor the experience, he had been holding back, his hips meeting hers with a rhythm that was both eager and measured.
Y/N was now feeling a mixture of exhaustion and exhilaration, she rested her head on Minho's shoulder.

Minho sensed her fatigue, whispered softly in her ear, "Just a little longer, love."

Jeongin finally allowed himself to let go, reached his climax. However, he didn't stop moving he wanted to ensure Y/N reached her own peak. Her response was instinctive, her voice calling out Jeongin's and Minho's names in a crescendo of pleasure.
Minho felt a mix of pride and desire, sighed heavily, his fingers tracing gentle patterns along Y/N's hips, guiding her movements.
The climax of their shared experience came when Y/N and Minho reached their peak together. Y/N's body trembled with the intensity of her release, and she collapsed onto Jeongin, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps.
The room fell into a comfortable silence, the only sounds being their collective heavy breathing. They lay there, a tangle of limbs and sweat-slicked skin, each processing the intensity of what they had just shared.

After a few moments of rest, Minho spoke up, his voice soft yet filled with emotion. "That was... incredible," he said, his eyes meeting each of his bandmates in turn.

Jeongin, still catching his breath, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it was something else," he replied, a hint of awe in his voice.

Felix, with a lazy smile, added, "We really connected on a whole new level tonight."

Seungmin was a bit more reserved but equally moved, simply nodded, his eyes conveying his feelings more than words could.

Y/N, feeling a mix of contentment and fatigue, smiled at each of them. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice barely audible but filled with gratitude and affection.

They all knew that what they had shared that night was fun, unique and would remain a cherished memory. It was a testament to their bond, a night where they explored the depths of their desires and trust in each other.
As they slowly untangled themselves, each person taking a moment to dress and compose themselves, there was a sense of closeness that hadn't been there before. They shared knowing glances and soft smiles, a silent acknowledgement of the journey they had just experienced together.
The first light of dawn was now fully illuminating the room, casting a soft, golden glow over them. They gathered their belongings, each preparing to leave the room and return to the reality of their daily lives. But as they did so, there was an unspoken promise among them - a promise to cherish the memory of this night and the bond it had strengthened.

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