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❝ will you share with me ❞

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❝ will you share with me ❞

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

     VALENTINE'S Day snuck up on Nina this year and she hated it. She had last-minute plans with Quil in the morning and early afternoon but he would have to head home since he had plans with his mom. It was something that the pair did every year for the holiday and Nina would hate herself if she interfered with the mother and son's traditions.

The pair started their day with Nina picking Quil up from his house, the pair heading into Forks to go to the bookstore that they loved more than life itself. Just like normal, the duo listened to David Bowie during their drive. Well, more like had the music playing in the background as they yelled the lyrics together.

Nina turned the music down as they pulled into the small parking lot for the store, parking in the parking spot closest to the entrance that wasn't a handicap. It was exceptionally cold for a February day and Nina stuffed her hands in her hoodie pocket. Quil wrapped an arm around her shoulders and the pair rushed into the store. They greeted Janet with waves before heading in different directions. As always, Nina went to the new arrivals while Quil went to the Young Adults section.

The girl read through the descriptions of the new books, keeping a hold of the ones that she liked the sound of and putting back the ones that she hated. She didn't take as long as she normally did, only looking at about half of the new arrivals. Nina met up with Quil at the chairs that he normally sat and read in while he waited for the girl to finish finding her books.

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