"Something the matter?" Lance asked.

"No, just." Haru took a deep breath. "Do you really feel comfortable? I mean, with them doing anything after what happened?"

"To Shiro?"

"No. I mean, you went missing. After," Haru said.

"Hey," Lance said, frowning, leaning forward. "You're cute and all, but—uh, Keith said he doesn't know you."

"Doesn't remember me, there's a difference," Haru said.

"Uh, uh. No difference," Lance said.

"You do know me then?" Not-Ryo said, then sucked in a deep breath. "You don't..." He then looked away. "Never mind. Do whatever."


"Keys or something?" Not-Ryo said, holding out a gloved hand.

"Sure. You've got a couple of rooms, I think. A few. Wait." Haru held out her fingers. Five and three add up to eight; they are larger rooms, so it works out."

"But what about a large cosmic wolf Pokemon?" Lance said."

"Uh, the Garrison didn't say anything about that," Haru said.

"Typical," Lance muttered. "Keith. You're the leader, what do you want to do."

"I haven't a clue."

"Start by taking the rooms?" Haru said. "I think—" Her head turned, looking at the pocket she slipped her phone in. "Could Ryo." She took a deep breath. "Start there?"

"I guess so. Not sure the girls will be happy, but then," Not-Ryo tilted his head. "Three girls and five guys."

"Nope. No. They can go stay with that sister of mine."

"So your sister gets stuck with a full house just so you can, what, have a huge room all to your own?"


"You're not shoving them off on your sister, Lance. Particularly since we weren't expecting to run into her."

"Yeah, but..."

Not-Ryo took the keys and dragged Lance away while Haru laughed. "Not-Ryo's friend is funny." She finished checking them in, then headed out and texted Ryo, then took a deep breath, catching sight of her Psyduck. She walked over, smiling. "Guess what. Not-Ryo is here, Psyduck."


Haru looked over, smiling. "Oh. Alisa.

"Who is, or what is this Not-Ryo?"

Without missing a beat, Haru pulled her phone out of her pocket, pulling up the picture of Not-Ryo yet again and holding it out to Alisa. "Not-Ryo."

"Uh, I'm quite sure, Haru, that is Ryo," Alisa said. "You know, the pop idol, Ryo Shirogane, but you shouldn't go prying into celebrities' lives and take pictures."

"Oh, no. This is not Ryo. It's Not-Ryo."


"This," Haru said, flipping to another picture, "Is Ryo." She flipped back. "And this is Not-Ryo. I sent the picture of Not-Ryo to Ryo."

"I don't get it."

"They're not the same person."

"So, look-a-likes?" Alisa said, shaking her head. "Haru, you can't send celebrities pictures of their look-a-likes."

"No, not," Haru sighed. Going to her phone, flipping to a picture she'd scanned and uploaded. She held it up for Alisa, frowning as she did so. "No. This is Ryo, and this is Not-Ryo."

Alisa leaned in, frowning. "And that's you, between them? When you were a kid, and Sirogane was a kid?"


"And this—what is this Not-Ryo?"

"He always said he wasn't Ryo, so I always called him Not-Ryo."

"And why would he always say that?"

"Because Not-Ryo isn't his twin brother," Haru said. "Ryo's been looking for Not-Ryo."

"Haru, you can't send customers information out like that!" Alisa sighed, placing her hands on her hips. I mean, really?"

"Ryo's been worried, though," Haru said. "I've been worried about my cousin as well, not that he recognized me when I checked them in, but I'm glad he's alright, which I was telling Psyduck, but I never got beyond the fact Not-Ryo's here."

"Surely he has a name other than Not-Ryo?"

"Not-Keith, but he goes by Keith now," Haru said. "I don't remember his name because I always called him Not-Ryo."

Alisa looked at Psyduck, shaking her head. "And why doesn't that surprise me? Sounds like something you would do, Psyduck, but then all your cousins are called Psyduck?"

"Psy?" Psyduck tilted his head, confused as usual, then let out a humming sound.

"Anyways," Alisa said. "He may be family, but don't bother him if he doesn't want to be."

"Roger!" Haru said, salluting Alisa.

Gemini' Summer Getaway (Voltron-VLD/Pokemon Concierge Crossover)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant