III. Sire's wise words

Start from the beginning

Though that is probably exactly what it is, his alluring voice along with his sensual look and lazy air. “Being here is a punishment, I’m not naive enough to think otherwise.”

“Not after my brother’s tricks, no.” His words hold no judgement, only truth, although for me, it is a bitter one. “Are you not going to ask, for how long I’ve been indecently watching you from my dark corner.”

Hearing his somewhat mocking tone, a feeling of laughter tightens my throat, catching me unawares, and rendering me more uncomfortable than the thought of him simply watching me alone. “I would prefer to know what you think about your other six brothers.” I answer, refusing to yield.

A moment later, I hear his soft laughter, the sound carrying a charming beauty to it, but as I look over, his eyes narrow in slyness. “You wouldn’t be trying to take advantage of me, would you, as so many others have tried, because that may be dangerous for you, beautiful Wren.”

We both still, watching one another, as is becoming an unconscious habit between the two of us. He demands attention, despite my wishing otherwise, I know that I am no exception, and yet I sense that he cares very little for anything. Without looking away, I brush my hair aside. “The advantage would only be theirs fleetingly before it became yours, after all, you found my true desire and used it to bargain with me. In the end, my need was a stepping stone for you to use, much like my soul was for your brother.”

Pushing away from the wall, his gaze deepens, his look sharpening, the moment feeling so intimate even as we stand apart. “I wonder, did Sire break the mould with you... His wisdom..., would you know?” The silver flecks in his golden irises shimmer, as his questions melt away into nothingness, a provocative flash shadowing his eyes. “Lets see... Nothing blossoming, is my everything.” His lilting voice lingers softly.

Catching the spark in his eyes, I slowly lift my chin. “And everything blossoming, is nothing to me.”

A look of irony flickers across his refined features, as he realises my understanding, softly inclining his head in a shameless gesture of easy temptation. “For only will loving verity pierce my heart.” His teasing words linger.

“Soulfully drinking my lover’s darkness.” The last line leaves my lips, as a breathtaking smile shapes his face, drawing an almost covetous desire from me. Though, had I not known any better, I would think it carried true sentiment.

“You’ve heard of Sire, the god of man and beasts, and his first and last words to humanity.” He sheds the darkness, stepping closer. “You really are well-read.”

“A shame then, that it came a little too late to be of any real use to me.” I smile to hide my bitterness.

“Pride is a disgusting sin, while Kovan is a bore, but I don’t need to tell you that.” A flash of mockery graces his tone, his lithe figure lacking its usual relaxed laziness.

“And your other brothers?” I ask once more.

He sighs, but gives in. “Lust, is also notably boring. Even while engaged in the most salacious of acts, the utter disinterest in his eyes is clear for all to see.

War, on the other hand, is always fun to tease. Though, sadly, he’s been imprisoned as of late.” A slyness shrouds his eyes briefly, suggesting that he may feel anything other than sadness.

“Greed and envy always amuse me. Envy plotting to ruin greed, while greed seeks to covet more and more power.
While gluttony has such an appetite. His hunger for blood has consumed and enslaved him, which is also mildly amusing.” He gently lifts my chin. “Are you satisfied, have I, the prince of sloth, entertained your desires?”

“If I were to admit to such a thing, I wonder the kind of desire that I would be indebted to you for in return...” For a moment, I wonder how to address him, but then his slender eyes suddenly narrow in jest.

“Are you so enamoured with my slothful ways, that you’ve forgotten my true name.” He leans down, his hands sliding lazily but lightly, stroking me teasingly over my shoulders.

“Lorne...” I warn, coldness running through his name, sounding unflinchingly frost-laden. Letting his hands slip away, he turns without a backwards glance, only to leave me gazing after him in cold admiration, a moment that I’m loathed to ever truly admit. “If you wish to visit the village clans before the Luna hunt, staring adoringly at my back, although an absorbing past-time, will not get you there.”

My nostrils flare, though his sarcasm heightens my annoyance, his bluntness being so beautifully glib subtly eases the cold tension still plaguing my heart. Grasping my leather bag, I follow after him, catching sight of his sardonic grin as he almost glides leisurely around the curves of the hallway.

Thank you for reading ❤️
(Word count 2245)

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