Chapter 1

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  A knock sounded on the door, jarring Hunter out of his memories.

  "Come in".

  Chasina poked her head in.

  "Hunter, we made a charcuterie board and wondered if you wanted to come sit with us".

  Hunter shrugged and looked back at the photo album on his lap.

  Chasina looked at it and her eyes softened.

  "Hunter,...". She entered the room, leaving the door open, and sat beside him on the bed.

  Hunter smiled as he lightly traced his fingers over the picture.

  "Do you remember that day"?

  "Which day"?

  "The day we hired that photographer to take our pictures. It was a great time". Hunter chuckled. "We were crazy, doin' dumb group poses and pictures...". Hunter pointed to a piggyback picture.

  Beginning from the left of the picture, the groups were Alexzander and Luna, Alejandro and his sister Allison, Hunter and Chasina, Amanda and Ash, and Prince and Tina.

  "They was hilarious. We all fell over right after". Hunter flipped the page and pointed to another picture. "Alex had a good time, even though he complained about it so much. I mean, look. He's genuinely smilin' ".

  "That's because he was with Alejandro basically the whole time," Chasina laughed. "Look". She pointed to the picture Hunter's hand was on. In it, everyone was looking on as Alexzander and Alejandro were in mid-fall.

  Hunter chuckled.

  "I can't believe we captured that".

  "I can't believe Alex even thought of just jumping on Alejandro's back like that. Seriously, no duh he's gonna fall".

  Hunter and Chasina laughed as Hunter flipped the page.

  Hunter's laugh and smile died as he laid his eyes on the pictures on the next page. He gently laid his fingers on the picture.

  Chasina laid her hand on Hunter's arm.

  Hunter's eyes drank in every detail of the photos on the page. He was sitting on the couch in one, and Prince was on his shoulders, both grinning like children on Christmas. In another, Hunter was holding Prince bridal style as Prince had his arms around his neck. A third was Hunter laying in his stomach, his chin on his interlocked fingers, and Prince was laying on top of Hunter, his chin also on his interlocked fingers which were on Hunter's head. The last one on that page was Hunter, again, holding Prince bridal style, but this time, Prince's hands were on his face, and they were delicately kissing.

  Hunter ran his index finger over Prince's face in the last picture. He smiled a little as he chuckled.

  "I accidentally dropped him after that picture".

  Chasina sighed.

  "Hunter, can't keep...mourning over him".

  Hunter glared at her.

  "What's that supposed to mean"?

  "I didn't mean any harm. It's just...". Chasina studied her hands in her lap. "He's been gone for five years. He isn't-".

  Hunter slammed the album shut, causing Chasina to swivel her head to him in alarm.

  "I don't wanna hear it". He sighed deeply and looked at her, pain evident in his gaze. "I won't ever give up on him, you understand? He's out there. I know it". He stood from the bed and replaced the photo album on the shelf. "Ya' can tell the others I won't be joinin' ya' ". Hunter sat on the bed again, his back against the headboard.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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