Chapter 9

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not proofread. this chapter again doesn't make sense but i promise it's apart of the plot. i actually had this chapter written out but changed it last minute since the other version didn't contribute right. hope u guys enjoy!!

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jisung was oblivious to why minho was acting different the past week. he's been treating jisung like any other coworker he has, but probably worse. ever since jisung got back from the one day he had taken off, minho had been harder on jisung. such as assigning him multiple tasks at once that were out of his field and criticizing him once he got them wrong.

and of course, jisung despised it. it made his loathe towards minho deepen, as if he were trying to overwork the younger on purpose. but after a couple more days of the behavior, jisung started to find ways and excuses to not do the overwhelming work being loaded into his hands by minho, although sometimes it did not succeed.

"jisung, you've asked me for help at least four times in the past seven minutes. why are you even working on marketing? we're literally the organization team." seungmin was bothered by how much jisung was doing. he wasn't required to work on marketing or sales, as he was in a completely different field.

"i don't know, ever since i took the day off, mr. lee has been assigning me to things i can't do and he knows it. i didn't even do anything to him so i have no clue to why he's being a pain in my ass right now." jisung rested his cheek in his palm as he put his pen down.

seungmin just watched as his friend struggled, enjoying the sight a bit, but also feeling bad that he wasn't able to help the other due to lack of knowledge in the field. equally confused, he thought for a bit. suddenly, he had an idea as to why minho was being abnormal to jisung.

"does he know you weren't sick that day?" he questioned, hoping to get somewhere. "i don't know, he kept asking me where i was and if i had fun like all week. weird, right? you and hyunjin both covered for me though. so he wouldn't know where i was, unless he was there too." jisung rambled on about how minho acted strangely towards his days prior.

"what if he was there, jisung? it's weird but it's a possibility. and we did say you were out sick too, but i don't think anyone else knew you weren't or told mr. lee that you weren't." seungmin prompted, pondering on whether minho was a professional outside of work as well.

"i doubt it. if he was, fate really has its ways. its enough that i see him everywhere during work, i'd prefer not to see him outside of work when i'm being explicit." jisung shook off the thought of minho at a nightclub, it just didn't fit him.

"whatever, i hate his annoying ass." jisung scorned.

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"mr. lee, are you sure you want to go through with this? you've never suggested something like this before. usually it is the other executives." a tall, slim woman with shoulder-length black hair was standing across minho, bewildered at his sudden proposal.

"yes, and i know that it will last more than a day. months even, because he is different to the others i've had. i am at full understanding what is about to happen, and i fully support it. please bring me han jisung." minho stated. the lady hesitated for a moment before exhaling and leaving his office.

some minutes later, a knock is heard on the door. "come in," minho called out to it. the same woman from before, and jisung were standing in the entry. minho glanced up from his papers quickly, before turning his eyes back to him.

"please let us be." minho requested as he looked over to the lady. the slim woman followed through with it and left the office. "why am i here, and why did the head information manager bring me here?" jisung was confused, normally he would just be told he was needed in minhos office. not brought to the place by a higher up.

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