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   Emília woke up extra early since today was Juraj's birthday. He's exiting his exciting teenage years and entering the less exciting world of the twenties. Or so the normal people say. Hockey players are just coming into their prime, so maybe it's more exciting than the rookie years? That's definitely the case for the boy sleeping in bed next to her.

   She quietly slipped out of bed, making sure not to wake him up. It was almost six. This was the earliest time she had gotten up in years, but it was nice. It was almost pitch black outside, the slightest amount light coming from the lamps and limited number of cars on the streets.

   The girl brushed her teeth and did her skincare, wanting to feel her best for the birthday boy. After she was done, she found the cake mix she had bought a week prior. She stirred all of the ingredients together. Then she put the batter into the oven.

   The next thing she did was prepare the presents she bought. She hid them in the couch under the cushions. She lifted then and retrieved the neatly wrapped packages, placing them on the coffee table for him to open.

   Finally, the bedroom door opened. His face lit up when he noticed the presents, and more when the smell of cake hit his nostrils, "Happy birthday, Juraj!" She got up from her place on the couch, warmly embracing the boy.

   "You bought me presents?" He smiled wide.

   "Of course I did! What kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn't?" She smirked, basically using his own against him.

   "Well then, thank you very much, girlfriend. And did you cook cake?" He kept his arm around her waist, slipping his arm under his shirt that she was wearing, making him carress her bare skin, and sending goosebumps up her whole body.

   "Yep, I baked cake. It's just a boxed cake mix." An embarrassed blush made its way up her face as she looked down.

   "Hey," He tucked away the hair that fell in front of her face and grabbed her jaw, making her look at him, "It's the thought that counts, love, and this thought definitely counts."

   "Thanks," She replied, her face now more red than ever, "I'll go take out the cake. Wait here and don't open the gifts yet." She announced and instructed, being met with a "Yes, ma'am" from the boy.

   She placed the baking sheet on the counter, quickly covering it in pink icing, sprinkling on top sprinkles, and adding in the two candles representing the boy's age. She brought it out and put it on the coffee table in front of where he was sitting, "Sorry it's pink, but they didn't have any other icing."

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