< By your side >

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"Kanade's pov"

After a few minutes, we were all exhausted from running. I haven't ran like this for a while...and I barely made it, too

We hid in an alleyway, somewhere where the guards didn't notice us. Mizuki led us here, since they're the fastest out of the four of us. And their plan seemed to work too, since the guards ran the other way completely

I held Mafuyu's hand the whole way we ran. As we arrived, I held her hand tighter as a way of calming myself down somehow. The second I felt her squeasing my hand back just as tightly, that's when I realised that we ran the whole way like this. I blushed again. Why am I like this?

"Phew...we made it safely, eh? No one's hurt? Ena's alright, right?" Mizuki asked, looking at Ena

"...I'm all good, Mizuki. This run was probably good for me anyway.." Ena smiled, wiping the sweat off her forehead

"...Why did you guys rescue me? What was the point of that song?" Mafuyu spoke up, her voice still somewhat empty. Although, it sounded a bit more relieved than usual

"Mafuyu..I..." I said, trying to reply in the most normal way possible. "I made that song for you, Mafuyu...I couldn't stand the fact that you got kidnapped, and...and I did everything in my power to help you. I figured that..since the last time you needed my help, a song could make you happy...so I did the same again. I created the song just for you, and you alone. I'm..."

"..Kanade..." She looked at me, her eyes sparkling slightly. "Thank you..."

"Okay, okay. We'll leave you lovebirds alone, right, Ena?" Mizuki said, looking over to Ena again. I blushed at the statement, while Mafuyu just stared at them with that same emotionless stare she always had

"...Yeah, I think we should get going. Her expression is really creeping me out..ugh" Ena said, a slight look of disgust on her face

Then, as they said - both of them left, leaving me and Mafuyu alone in the alleyway. We looked at each other. I smiled, as Mafuyu tried to smile back

She hugged me again. I returned the hug, and we stayed like that for about a minute or two. After that happened, I asked:

"..Do you wanna go for a walk? I'll make sure nothing happens to you this time, I promise..!!"

She simply nodded and held my hand again. Her replies are so simple, yet so sweet sometimes...

Then, we both started walking towards the town carefully, making sure to avoid any of the guards that were chasing us

...Now that I think about it, we must've looked ridiculous. Mafuyu was wearing a very pretty dress, while I was wearing my usual outfit. Just a shirt, a jacket and shorts. Not to mention that we looked like we were sneaking around, as if we were looking out for something..which we were, but it still must've looked funny..

A few minutes later, we both sat down on a bench at a park that was nearby. I thought this was the perfect moment, so I asked:

"Mafuyu...what happened? How did you get turned into that marionette? I know that you got kidnapped and went missing, but..what happened after that?"

For a second, she stayed silent. Her eyes seemed just as empty as the first time I saw her in the empty sekai. Maybe it's a sensitive topic? I should apologize..

"Hey, uhm..sorry about that, Mafuyu. You don't have to--"

"They took me somewhere. I don't know where, but they did. I was locked in some kind of room...I couldn't care less about it at first, but when the person came..." She stopped for a second, before she went back to explaining. "When the person came, they threatened me. They said that if I won't agree to go through some kind of "test" they made, and became a marionette after, I would be stuck there forever. I wouldn't really mind, if it wasn't for our music group..."

I froze. She...actually thought of the group in that kind of situation? That's so sweet, yet a bit sad, if you think about it...

"Nightcord, the sekai, and especially you, Kanade. You are my everything. I don't normally say this, but...your company always brings me this sort of warmth. You make me feel safe and loved..."

When I heared that, I immediately blushed and had the urge to hug her. So that's exactly what I did. I wrapped my arms around her, and hugged her tightly. I want for her to feel safe. I want for her to feel loved...

The next thing I know, she returned the hug. She must've felt so alone when this whole situation started...I can't help but worry about her

"Mafuyu, I..." I spoke, a smile on my face. "I'm glad you feel safe and loved around me. That's the best thing I could ask for..."

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