< Melody >

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"Kanade's pov"

As I walked into the kitchen, I made myself another bowl of cup noodles like I always do. I don't know how I still didn't get tired of them

After the noodles were done, I went back to my room, sat down at my desk and started re-playing the song I made for Mafuyu. I really hope it'll do something...

It has a few details that I think she'll like. Maybe that will finally get her to talk?

After I ate my noodles, I decided to visit the sekai. I want to know what Miku thinks of it. She often talks with Mafuyu, so she should know something, right?

I played the song, and entered the sekai. There, I saw Miku. She seemed to be drawing something

"Hello, Miku.." I said, looking at her and her artwork. "What are you drawing?"

"Ena taught me how to draw...So I drew all of us together..." Miku said, showing me the almost done drawing of our group. It seemed like she was really proud of it, too

"I think it's really good...You should show it to Ena. I'm sure she'd be proud.." I smiled at Miku, to which she gently smiled back

"I will. I want to show it to our whole group. But then we have to wait for Mafuyu to come back..."

"Right..." I nodded. "Miku, do you remember what happened last time here? When I made a song for Mafuyu, and convinced her to keep living.."

"Yes. I do remember"

"Well...I made another song for her. We found her in that new marionette museum. She was turned into a marionette, and...I decided to make a song for her so she could maybe snap out of her even more broken personality..."

"Hm. Good idea, Kanade. I hope it'll work then..."

"I hope so too. But...I was wondering. What else does Mafuyu like? I added sounds of water droplets because I know she likes aquariums...I added mentions of snow, since she said she doesn't mind it...and I added a few English lyrics, since I know she's good at it. Is there anything else that you think I should add?"

"Huh. I think that would be enough so far"

"Alright. Thank you, Miku. I'll make sure to tell you how it goes..." I smiled at her, then left the sekai once again

After I left, I found myself in my room, like usual. But instead of my music software opened on my computer, I saw a few messages from the Nightcord group. I clicked on the recent text conversation and started reading the newest messages


Amia<3: GUYSS

Enanan!!: What??



Amia<3: insert photo here

Enanan!!: That dress is really cute

Enanan!!: Looks like the one they made Mafuyu wear in that museum

Amia<3: Yeah kinda??

Amia<3: Oh and about Mafuyu

Amia<3: I think that the museum is hosting a puppet show of some sort??

Amia<3: It's on the official website

Enanan!!: Yeah I saw that too

Enanan!!: Should we go there? I still need a few more pictures for my social media

Amia<3: I won't be editing your pictures this time btw

Enanan!!: Fine


A puppet show..?

Why would they want to make a puppet show?

Is Mafuyu going to be a part of it? If so, I hope she'll be okay...

I should probably start composing again...But the thought of her possibly getting hurt can't seem to leave my mind...

I need to talk with the rest of the group when it's time...I really need their help with this

We need to do this. For Mafuyu's sake...

&quot;Puppet Show&quot; | KanaMafuWhere stories live. Discover now