< The new museum >

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"Kanade's pov"

As I looked through my and Mafuyu's latest chats, I didn't find anything at first. Although, as I kept searching, and searching - something caught my eye. One of her latest messages was:

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"Kanade, I need your help with something. Call me when I'm back from school."

"Type a message..."
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We haven't talked since. She hasn't texted me anything after that, so neither did I. Maybe she went missing at school? That means she might still be in town

I should look for her. She'll be okay...right?

I'll spend all day searching for her tomorrow. It's late already, and I should try to get more work done. Maybe I'll find something else

Hours went by, and I made little to no progress. The thought of Mafuyu's disappearance kept going inside my mind. I just can't stop thinking of her. What if she really won't be alright? We really need to do something about it

A few moments later, I looked at the time on my computer. It's 1:00 am already..? I must've lost track of time while looking for clues. I opened Nightcord, and saw the messages from Ena and Mizuki already popping up. It looks like they're already calling...

I joined the call, and I heared their voices already

"Why do you never shut the door?!" Ena yelled, looking at her door with an annoyed look on her face. Some muffled yelling came back from the hallway, as Mizuki giggled

"Oh wow. Looks like someone's mad~" They said, their voice sounding a bit teasing

"Oh, shut it!!" Ena screamed at Mizuki, then looked back at her computer. She then seemed to notice me. "Oh, Kanade! You're here too?"

"Huh? Kanade?" Mizuki asked, a bit embarrassed that they didn't notice me earlier. "How long have you been here for?"

"A few seconds. What happened there?" I said, looking up at Ena's turned on camera

"It's nothing. Just my brother leaving the door open after walking into my room.." Ena answered, then looked away with an annoyed expression again

"Oh. Okay"

A few seconds passed, and nobody's said anything yet. I decided to speak up once more

"So...have you guys heared anything about Mafuyu?"

They both went back to their screens, seeming to think about the question

"Actually, yeah. Have you heared about that new marionette museum that opened up a few days ago? I heared it's got that mysterious and sketchy vibe going on" Mizuki spoke up once again

"I've heared of it. You think it may have something to do with Mafuyu?" Ena replied

"Maybe. You never know!" Mizuki answered. Again. "What do you think, Kanade? We'd probably have to check out that place someday anyway, so might aswell try to look for some clues around?"

"I agree" I spoke up. "I haven't heared of it before, but from what you two are saying...It seems like it really may have something to do with Mafuyu. Let's go there tomorrow"

"Great! When?" Mizuki asked. Ena seemed to be silent, looking at her screen

"It depends. When does it open?"

"Around 4 pm. We should have enough time to investigate it"

"Alright. 4 pm it is then"

"Hey, I just looked through their social media. It says they're looking for new employees, too. Also they've got a pretty good rating already. We should check it out. I really need to take some photos of that museum" Ena suddenly said, a slight smile on her face

"Great. Then it's settled! Anyways, have you guys heared about—"

Then the conversation trailed off to a different topic. We kept talking, and talking, until they had to go. We said our goodbyes and logged off of Nightcord. I started working on a song I wanted to make for Mafuyu before she went missing, and eventually fell asleep...

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