Chapter Fifteen

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The next morning, I woke up first. Cole is still sleeping, and I can't help but stare at his rising, bare chest. His golden chain hangs around his neck, and shallow breaths escape his nostrils. I still can't believe what happened yesterday. It just doesn't feel real at all. I'm not sure if I regret it or not. Maybe it isn't regret; it's just the sheer inability to comprehend everything that's been going on lately, but I can't lie. I like it. I like it too damn much.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts the moment he opens his eyes. "Good morning," I say first. "Morning, beautiful." He responds with a half-smile as he reaches for my hand and pulls me closer. He doesn't hesitate to kiss my lips at the first chance. When I pull away and slightly bite my lip, he asks. "Are you... sore?" he attempts to sound polite in concern for my wellbeing, but I only manage to twitch my lips in amusement. However, it doesn't take long until a wave of slight shyness overcomes me. "Uhm, just a little bit. But I'm fine." I respond as I turn my gaze elsewhere. "You sure?" he enquires. "Yeah, I said I'm fine." I say reassuringly. "Cole, I really couldn't wish for a better first time." I add.

"I'm truly glad to hear that, because you deserve the whole damn world." He says this as his thumb traces my cheek. He's being too sweet; I don't even fucking deserve it. All kinds of thoughts invade my mind at this very moment, but one in particular stands out. I'm going to miss him so fucking much. I truly am, and I've never thought I would. I've never expected this to happen at all. Everything has changed, and right now, I don't know what's gonna happen next. I can't dare to even predict. I've never imagined this in my wildest dreams, ever.

While I drown myself in my thoughts once again, his gaze travels to time on his alarm clock laying on his bedside table. "Shit, I have to go. We're leaving in a few hours; I'm sorry." he says this as he realizes the duties he must complete later on, but soon enough. He can't waste any more time with me this morning; it's time for him to go, and it's time for us to say goodbye, at least for now. "Oh yeah, absolutely." I say as I immediately shoot out of bed, letting go of his tight grip around me. "You don't have to rush." He says this as he gets out of bed too. "No, it's fine; I have to go as well." I respond as I'm almost fully dressed.

"Are you hungry?" His gaze finds me as he puts on his black shirt and a pair of sweatpants. "No, I'm not. But thanks for the concern." I respond. "Okay, so at least I'm gonna give you a lift." He states casually, searching for his car keys somewhere. "No, that won't be necessary. I'm good, really." I assure him. "I can't let you go alone." He protests, but I know he has a lot to deal with right now, so I don't want to bother him, plus I need to clear my head after last night. "Really, I need to run some errands on the way; don't worry. I'll be fine." I reassured him once again. "Why do you have to be so stubborn?" he asks, shaking his head with a little smirk. "Why do you have to be so overprotective?" I tease him back. "God, I'm gonna miss you, even when you insult me." He mutters under his sigh. I look at the ground as the corners of my mouth twitch at his remark. "I'm gonna miss you too." I state, unexpectedly, what catches his attention.

"Have I heard that right?" he questions my words in slight disbelief. "Who are you, and what have you done with the old Sophia Spencer?" he jokes. "I don't know; I guess you have a good influence on me after all." I respond in amusement. "God just come here." He grabs my hand and pulls me closer to him. His left hand wanders to my waist, while the other softly lands on my neck. It doesn't take long before my lips intertwine with his, and this time it feels bittersweet. He's leaving, and I don't know when I'll see him again. If you asked me a few weeks ago, I certainly wouldn't give a shit, but now I give too many of them. But this is it; this is the reality I have to expect. Furthermore, I have my studies to get back to and a ton of other assignments impatiently waiting for me. So, I gather the courage and break the kiss. I get it together, ready to say goodbye. "Thanks for everything. I've had a good time—the best, in fact." I declare as I get out of his grip. "Take care, Cole," I add. "Stay safe, okay?" he says in concern. "I will, I promise." I say this as I'm already on my way out of his apartment.


The partly silent streets of morning in Montreal comfort my head, full of uncertain and wandering thoughts. The cold breeze blows my hair in various directions, but right now I don't care, I'm too occupied to be concerned about anyone else's opinion. At first, I stopped by for a cup of coffee at Tim Horton's. After I get my necessary daily dose of caffeine, I get on the subway, headed back to my dorm, back to my old life.

When I'm already at the campus, my phone suddenly rings. At this hour, I'm not even capable of checking the caller ID, so I pick it up right away. "Hello?" I say. "Hey, did you get back safe?" his voice echoes on the line. "You really can't last a few minutes without me, businessman, ain't that right? I teased him immediately. "No, seriously, I'm fine. I got back safe; don't worry." I add on in a more serious tone, answering his question. "Alright, then. Goodbye, Sophia." He says. "Goodbye, Cole, and good luck." I say this before we both hang up and I get into my dorm.


These last two weeks have been normal—mediocre, if you will—nothing unusual. Everything's been going pretty well, and I've been living a normal life. Apart from one thing, he wasn't here, but yet he was still on my mind—that one thought I couldn't quite brush off, even if I wanted to. But I'm not sure if I even wanted to. I haven't heard from him since he left, but I've been perfectly occupied with endless lectures and a ton of assignments. I don't know how he is, but I know he's probably busy, and so am I. The only thing I know is that the Canadiens lost three games and managed to win two of them. I truly don't know what's going through his mind, but as much as I hate to admit it, I miss him. And that may be the reason why I'm watching the Habs' last game of this road trip.

It's Friday night, and my laptop is laying in front of me on my bed as I'm anxiously squeezing my sweaty hands at the comments of NHL commentators and the tension that can be felt even through the monitor. "Fuck." I mutter under my breath as Cole misses the net, and the puck is claimed by his opponent. "What are you doing?" Maddie inquires as she bursts into our room, and I immediately shut my laptop in panic. "Girl, what the fuck? Are you watching porn?" he asks, raising her eyebrows as she crosses her hands over her chest. "Of course not, for fucks sake." I make a disgusted face as I deny her false accusations.

"So, then what are you doing?" she sits right next to me, trying to get me to spill the truth. "It's totally irrelevant." I respond. "Girl, I wasn't born yesterday, you're hiding something, and you can't even lie. My God, if you're not going to tell me, I'm gonna find out myself." She shrugs her shoulders as she snatches my laptop into her hands. "Maddie, stop! Do you hear me?!" I shout at her, trying to grasp my electronic possession captured by her curious hands, but it's too late. "Oh my God, look at you. You're a total simp for him. But like, it's cute, for real." She says this as she opens my laptop and sees what I've been truly watching. "Maddie, stop." I take a deep breath, trying not to kill her.

"But no, girl, don't you see it? You're all in. And I'm happy for you, really. He's a good guy, and I'm not saying it just because he's on my favorite hockey team." She attempts to joke and be supportive at the same time. She's annoying as fuck, but I hate the fact that she's right. She's fucking right, and I can't back off now. I feel. Hard. Too hard. "Okay, okay. I have to admit, I like him. I like him too fucking much." I finally admit it, because arguing with her is pointless. "Girl, as you should. And I knew it all along. I knew it from the start, and I was right. You didn't believe me, remember? Just saying..." she teases me once again. "Maddie, I swear to God, if you don't stop, I'm gonna..." I start to become furious, but I'm unable to finish my sentence as her sudden screaming interrupts me. "Oh my God, he scored!" she shouts insanely. "What? Who?" I ask in confusion, while I completely forget that she still holds my laptop.

"Your boyfriend, of course." She shouts once again. "Fuck, let me see." I cuss as I snatch it out of her hands. "My God, you're right. Hell yeah." I smile as I see him score in slow motion. "But he's not my boyfriend." I roll my eyes at her. "Girl, then what are you?" she asks. "If I only fucking knew." I sigh. "He's your boyfriend." She states, with her arms crossed in belief, that her assumption is correct. "Okay, whatever. Call it what you want, but at least shut up; I'm watching the game, remember?" I finally manage to quiet her, so I can peacefully watch the rest of the game as she silently joins me. What an unusual sight.

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