Chapter Nine

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A week has passed since the last time I stepped into Bell Centre, but my mind hasn't left it until this day. During the last week, I handed in my report, and during our last lecture, the professor was showing everyone's recorded interviews in front of the whole class. I thought my life couldn't be any worse at this point, but apparently it can. So not only did I have to experience that torture, but now I had to even look at it with all of my classmates, who were kind enough to bomb me with questions about, you know, who after the lecture. How convenient to become the center of attention just because of one douchebag! But since everything happened, I had a chance to chat with Maddie and tell her everything. Not because I wanted to, but because I had no other choice. And furthermore, I also managed to lose my favorite necklace somewhere, so I was in pure delight.

But thankfully, since last week, I've had the privilege of not hearing a thing about him, which made me feel over the moon, and I finally feel like my life has gone back to normal. How little did I know. It was Friday, and I was just walking out of the library, where I finished another assignment for my creative writing class. At this point, I was done with schoolwork for today, and I was just enjoying the late afternoon of autumn in Montreal. I didn't really have any plans for tonight other than binge-watching Criminal Minds and cooking myself a poor student-like dinner. For a moment, I stop and take a look at my phone. When I didn't see any missed calls or unread messages, I put them back in my purse.

I wasn't paying much attention to my surroundings, so when I started walking again, I was suddenly taken aback. "Jesus Christ! How did you find me?! Wasn't I clear enough when I said, "Leave me the hell alone." I shouted in disbelief. "Good to see you too. And let's say I have good contacts. Sarah has been really helpful, I must admit." He responds with a smirk. "Unbelievable." I let out a sigh, still unaware of his intentions. "So, what do you want this time?" I add. "Actually, I have something for you." He says it teasingly. "Yeah, and what might that be? You happen to be full of surprises." I say it ironically. "This." He says so casually as he pulls out my necklace from his pocket and lets it dangle in the air. "Oh my God, where did you find it?" I say it in pure shock.

"Well, you dropped it accidentally after our lovely chat in the conference room. And I didn't have a chance to give it back because someone ran away." He replies. "Thanks... I appreciate it. It means a lot to me; I thought it was gone forever." I thank him as I reach for it, but he doesn't let me take it. "Oh no, it ain't going to be that easy. I'll give it back to you under one condition. You'll go out with me." He says this as his dimples appear on his face. "A date? Not a chance. Are you out of your mind?!" I say it furiously.

"Do you want your necklace back or not?" he asks, wrapping it around his finger. "Screw you. Alright. I'll go, but only for the necklace." I finally agree with his terms. "Great." He smiles in satisfaction as he hands me his phone. "Your number, please." I just roll my eyes as I type those digits in and hand it back to him. "So, see you tomorrow, I guess. I'll pick you up at seven p.m." He winks at me as he's on the way to his car. "I just manage to stand there for another good five minutes until I finally realize what I've done. I would've been standing there probably until midnight if it weren't for the coldness that reminded me to find my way back to the dorm.

When I open the door, Maddie's not there, which means she's at Mark's, so I have the whole room to myself and my thoughts. I spent the rest of the evening binge-watching Criminal Minds like I'd been planning, and I didn't even realize when I'd fallen asleep. Apparently, Maddie has gotten back late, and I didn't even hear her coming. I must've been really passed out, but there's no wonder. Student life is difficult, and anyone who tells you otherwise is lying.

I slept like a baby the whole night until my buzzing phone woke me up. What the hell?! That can't be my alarm so early. But I don't pay attention to the screen as I pick it up. "Hey, there." Cole's voice rings in my ears. "Do you realize it's fucking seven a.m. and Saturday?" I say it furiously. "Sorry, us athletes wake up early. I'm just headed to practice. Anyway, don't forget to wear something comfortable tonight," he adds. "Is that all you wanted to tell me?" I ask aggressively. "Yeah, pretty much." He responds casually. "Are you fucking insane?!" I raise my tone, and I wake up Maddie. "Why couldn't you just text me?" I enquire. "Oh, I haven't thought about tha- " he plays dumb, but he doesn't have a chance to finish his sentence as I already hang up the phone.

I only roll my eyes with the intention of going back to sleep, but Maddie's voice stops me. "Who the fuck was that?" she asks. "Just my mother." I shake my head as she nods in response, and we fall back asleep. We both sleep in until 10 a.m., when my alarm wakes us up. I change from my pajamas into my comfy sweatpants and matching turtleneck. It doesn't take long until Maddie does the same. Then we do our skincare routine together and make smoothie bowls for breakfast. For late lunch, we order Thai takeout, and we have a girly time together until she gets a call from Mark. Apparently, he needs her assistance asap, so she better get going. She feels kind of bad for ditching me for the rest of the day, but she doesn't know I'm actually glad that I don't have to make up stupid excuses about my rendezvous tonight.

She says goodbye, and as soon as she leaves the dorm, I hit the showers and put on a little bit of makeup. Then I pick out my outfit. He said I should wear something comfy, so I immediately grabbed a pair of my lululemon leggings along with a matching hoodie and a black vest. I put on a pair of white sneakers and grabbed my all-time favorite bum bag. I was ready to go; at least I thought for a second until all my doubts filled my head, but I can't back down. I need my necklace back. My dad gave it to me for my 16th birthday, and I've been wearing it almost every day ever since. It reminds me of him, and it makes me feel like he's still with me—at least a part of him.

For the last time, I look into the mirror and pull out the charger from my phone. I check the time, and it's almost seven, so I'd rather lock the door and head out. But before I do so, I leave a brief note on Maddie's night table saying I'm going to be in town. I trail down the staircase, way down to the main entrance. I walk out the door and wait until I see a black SUV approaching me. I stand there in slight amazement, my arms crossed, until he parks a few meters in front of me. He casually steps out of his car, walking to the other side and opening the passenger door for me as if I were uncapable of it. "I can open the door myself, but thanks." I give him an irritated look.

I buckle up while he gets back in the car, and he immediately notices. "I see you've already buckled up." He remarks. "Yeah, I don't wanna risk dying tonight." I respond sarcastically, but he only manages to laugh. "Damn, you've really got issues, girl." He shakes his head. "Yeah, actually, how do I know you're not going to kidnap me and sell me my organs on the black market?" I say. "I guess you just have to trust me." He shrugs. "Sorry, maybe I'm watching too much of the criminal series." I confess.

"But, seriously, why don't we just make it easier for both of us? Here's the deal: you give me the necklace and let me go."I attempt to make a very appealing proposal. "Nah, not a chance. Not this soon. If you're gonna be a good girl, the necklace will be yours again by the end of the night. You're stuck with me." He gives me a wide, devilish smirk and a click that indicates that he just locked the car. I immediately turn my back and try to open the door. "Seriously?" I growl as he starts the engine, and we're already on the way to hell. At least I think so, but my guess wasn't that far from reality.

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