His worst fear had become true.

"I don't know what's happening" Alessia said, now having a clear conscience, realising what she was doing.

It was like her magic was taking control, she had no handle over her capability. Even seeing Mattheos weakened complexion, nothing was allowing her to stop.

They were both smothered in the purple glow, the only difference was, only one person was benefiting from it.

Like anticipated, Alessia was flung into a memory, taken away from reality, where Mattheo was grovelling in pain, shocked at what Alessia's magic had done to him.

"Lucius, leave her alone." Tiberius spat, pulling Alessia out of Lucius' sight, who was staring the girl down with a smirk.

"Look, Tiberius" Lucius said, dragging Mattheo into sight. The blonde man pulled up Mattheos sleeve roughly, showcasing his forearm to the two Notts.

Tiberius gasped uncharacteristically at the sight.

Mattheos arm was glowing purple. The two men knew what was happening. Specs of Alessia's magic was littering his skin.

"Get that out of my sight" Tiberius said sternly, holding onto Alessia tighter, keeping her out the way.

"We both know what this means, Tiberius. She's ready" Lucius said with a grin.

Mattheo and Alessia exchanged a fearful look, not understanding what was being discussed. Nothing made sense.

"Absolutely not. For you to even suggest that makes me feel disgusted" Tiberius replied, staring daggers into Lucius.

Lucius clicked his fingers, and within a second, Alecto Carrow had Tiberius in a chokehold, loosening the grip that he had on Alessia.

Lucius roughly grabbed the girls arm, pulling her away into a separate room, where an unfamiliar woman was lying, barely conscious.

Mattheo followed shyly behind, keeping a distance.

"This is Pandora Lovegood" Lucius explained to the frightened girl. "She has caused the dark lord some complications over the years"

Alessia listened to Lucius in fear, wishing she was back with her father, in his warm and comforting embrace.

"I want you to take her magic" Lucius said.

Alessia looked at him in confusion, not understanding in the slightest what he meant.

The girl had used Mattheos magic to strengthen her own, but that wasn't taking it away from him, merely exploiting it.

"You proved you can use others powers to strengthen your own. This time, don't stop"

Alessia knew this wasn't right at all. This poor woman, who looked so innocent in her position, deserved none of this.

Mattheo looked at Alessia in fear mouthing the words "run" which she obliged to instantly.

The girl rapidly made her way to the door, a clear exit away from this horror.

She screamed as she was picked up from behind, roughly bought back to the woman.

Lucius tutted in a mocking manner, nodding once at the man who had kept Alessia in the room.

"We have all day, Alessia. I'm a very patient person" Lucius said with a sneer.

At least Draco wasn't here, to watch his father torment a child into doing his bidding.

Alessia looked over at Mattheo in fear, seeking comfort in her best friend's eyes. He looked petrified, just like her. If she did this quickly, both of them could be free of this torment.

Alessia unwillingly placed her hand onto the woman's arm, fighting back tears that were willing to spill.

The woman let out a groan as Alessia's magic made contact with her body.

Alessia let out a sob as she felt herself becoming strengthened as this woman became weaker.

She couldn't hold back her tears. It felt wrong, when she was doing this for a morally incorrect reason.

It took a while, just hearing the woman groan in pain, before Alessia's magic began taking full effect.

Mattheo winced when the woman began screaming, purple encapsulating her entire being. The boy didn't want to look at Alessia's face, knowing it would only break him.

"Don't stop" Lucius said, watching with a gleam in his eyes. Alessia looked at him through glassy eyes, not daring to look at the woman before her.

She so desperately wanted to escape this, to leave this moment behind, but death eaters were surrounding her.

The deafening screams of Pandora Lovegood echoed around the walls, plaguing Alessia's ears, scarring her forever.

Alessia hated to admit it, but she felt incredibly strong. For such a young witch, it was unheard of, such power.

Her skin was covered in purple, not a single vein was clear. It was a reminder of what she had done.

Suddenly, The screaming stopped.

The silence made Alessia feel empty. Completley empty. She had just consumed this woman's magic, costing her her life.

The tears fell quickly, contradicting the ecstatic clapping coming from Lucius, and the other death eaters.

"Perfect" Lucius said "This will benefit the Dark Lord in ways you cannot begin to imagine"

Alessia drowned him out, left with the pounding of her heart, and the corruption flowing through her veins.

If you saw it please ignore!!

Ellie 💌
Word count- 1298

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