It's her.

2 0 0

"It's okay, Ishida. There's no need to worry!"

With all her strength, Tikki pulls the pillow off Ishida's head, who's been lying face-down on the floor, sulking for the last sixteen minutes.

"It's not like you'll be alone in this!" Tikki says "You'll have me, and you'll have your partner, the owner of the cat miraculous!"

"Cat?" he mumbles.

Her attenai perk up "yes! A cat! they'll have the power of destruction and you'll have the power of creation."

He snaps to his feet and walks out of his room.

"Ishida, wait!" Tikki squeaks, wriggling out of his curtained wall "Where are you going?"

"Checking something..." He says, walking into another room "Oh and, sis's out so you can come in."

As Tikki enters what was apparently his sister's room, he plops himself on a beanbag and opens a big clunky laptop. After a good five minutes of waiting for it to turn on he opens up a very particular blog. One he heard Shimada talking about.

The Mysterious Mewsings.

He sits back and watches the website slowly load. Watching a myriad of photos come on screen of a girl dressed in a black cat suit, with the title 'the mysterious Mew" underneath.

'Mew.' so that's what she's called.

Tikki cries "That's her! "

He nods "It's her..."

"That's the owner of the cat miraculous!" she says "That's your partner!"

"No, she's not..." he sighs "But I guess I do owe her one."

Scrolling down the blog, he clicks on a page labelled 'Sightings.' A map of Ogaki fills the screen, with black cat-like pawprints marked on a few dozen different areas. All the places Mew has been seen.

"There." he says pointing to a part of the map "That's the middle school I was talking about, the one that's been shut down. On the day it was vandalised, I saw her! - Mew, I mean."

Ishida pulls out his flip phone and takes a photo of the laptop screen.

"Oh, so you've already met her?" Tikki asks "But why do you owe her one?"

He closes the laptop "Doesn't matter. Either way I'm gonna repay it."

Grabbing the little red box, he runs down the stairs, crams his shoes back on and pulls his oversized jacket over him. Tikki happily follows.

"By being her partner?" She beams.

"Nope!" He says, leaping out the door to his bike rack "by giving her an extra miraculous!"

"What?" Tikki cries "you're gonna give her the ladybug miraculous?"

"Who else can I return it to?" He cries and plops the box into his bike's basket, zipping away.

Shape of a Miracle EP 2 - FreezeFrameWhere stories live. Discover now