The start (chapter 7)

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You and the others are now finished getting geared up you finally started to all make you wat to the armory. As you make your way to the armory, you see the heavy doors slowly open to reveal a vast array of weapons and ammunition as well as other soldiers checking in and checking out there weapons. You scan the room with a keen eye, taking note of the gear for the mission and You grab a pistol placing it in your thigh holster and you had your  tactical knife and put that on your vest too before grabbing your main rifle. Ghost is the next one to enter the armory, his sharp eyes scanning the room for any useful supplies. He grabs a rifle as well as a few extra magazines an Soap grabs a few things as well.

With all your gear loaded up you all looked at each other as the three of you departed from the armory and past other soldiers and you looked at ghost as you were all now in the hallway.
''Ill meet you up in the hangar , gotta bring price something real quick.''
You informed and soap gave a small nod.
''Alright but don't take too long alright?''
You nodded and didn't wait for any feedback from ghost and you headed off with a small jog , your heavy gear weighing you down a bit but you always managed and you headed down the hallway to his office. As you passed other soldiers some gave you guys a nod or a thumbs up. You didn't see them to be just a bunch of grunts  but true operators. You had a mission to do, after all and so did they but you had one more thing to do beforehand.

You made your way down the hall, your boots clacking against the floor  the weight of your gear pulling on your shoulders still. You were used to it, though as  your strength, endurance an stamina were top tier in your book , ghost often times said you could do better but you knew that bloke is making things difficult but he pushes you because he wants you to be good and It would take a lot more than a few pounds of gear to slow you down.

You reached Price's office and found him sitting at his desk, poring over a stack of paperwork. He looked up as you entered his expression hard as he studied you for a moment but it soon softened.
"y/n? what do you need?"
he asked gently yet firmly..
"Just wanted to bring you this,"
you said, holding out a small note.
''Needs a envelope.''
You added.
He raised an eyebrow as he took it from you, his eyes flicking briefly to the address on the label.
"Thank you,"
he said setting it aside.
"What are you doing here, anyway? Shouldn't you be headed to the hangar with the others?"
You gave a small nod.
"Yeah, just had to make a quick stop ,  for my sister.."
You sighed and he nodded in understanding as he picked up the letter and grabbed a envelope.
"Alright, i know its been tough on you for both her and you but i need your head in the game okay? We got a mission to deal with and that bastard to take down,"
Price spoke gesturing towards the door.
"Don't be long -we've got a long week ahead of us."
Price spoke and you nod again.
''Laswell should be there so hurry before anything.''
Price spoke and you left before anything.

You were glad that you got the letter in before anything and you hoped that she'd read it as you knew she was still upset at you but you also knew that you wouldn't worry much as you did need to be well rounded for this mission. You were all currently in the states and were heading down towards a warehouse in Mexico hoping to find a lead but maybe there would be more , who knows. You made your way out into the hallway and hurriedly made your way down in the outside  hangar. As you headed into the outside  hangar you feel the cool air of the morning hitting gin your face , the warmth of the sun panning down yet there was a slight breeze that made it calming. you saw many vehicles lie around as well as a few helicopters and you saw ghost waiting there as well as soap and you made your way over , geared up and ready but laswell was there as well.

''What happened?''
He asked as you came to a stop out in front of him.
'' nothing , just had to send a letter to someone.''
You shrugged , not wanting to give as many details about it and he nodded , understanding your vagueness as with the nature of this job that complications could arise at any moment and you had to keep a lot hidden or many could go wrong.
''Bout time you showed though,''
Ghot spoke as he looked down at you , his tall stature looming over.
''Though you got lost''
He added dryly.
You rolled your eyes a bit,
''Alright all of you enough.''
Laswell started and you stood up a bit more straight as you gave her your attention to see what she had to say.
''Keep things stealthy , shoot if needed and see what's in those cargo shipments , capture of kill.''
She kept it short and you nodded as well as soap and a ghost gave a nod of acknowledgement.

As one was steady others kept ready for days lying ahead that would be deadly.

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