Early (chapter 4)

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It was now 5:30.

You stood walking through the halls heading back to the shower rooms after you had went to your room real quick to grab your normal uniform and boots as well as your toilet trees , hoping that your toothbrush and toothpaste were still there. As you made your way to the shower rooms you were stopped by soap who had a small smirk on his face when he saw you.
''Hey l/n''
He greeted you and you gave a small smile to him.
''Mornin soap''
You gave a small nod as you came to a halt.
'' training with L.T again i assume?.''
He asked and you nodded.
''Yeah , legs hurt like a bitch but you get used to it here , just think about it like a prison sentence but you didn't do much illegal shit.''
You joked and soap chuckled.
''Ain't that the truth , of course minusing some of the geneva violations.''
He joked back and you rolled your eyes playfully.
You shrugged and he smiled at you.
''Also theres a briefing at 7 for the mission tomorrow''
He informed and you gave a nod.
''Thanks for tellin , Well i'll catch ya later at chow , bout to shower alright?''
You explained and soap agreed.
''Yeah me too , catch ya round..''
He waved off and waved off going to the shower room he was assigned to.

You continued to the shower rooms, still feeling stiff from training. You quickly made your way there and saw your tooth brush and such were still there and you set your clothes down on the sink and you got into a shower stall hanging up your towel and You got undressed and turned on the water letting it warm before standing under it letting it run down your stiff muscles. The hot water felt amazing and you sighed in relief feeling a bit more loosened up. You were kinda shocked that there was hot water today as usually the water felt as if you plunged into the depths of antarctic waters.

You decided to not question it much and You soaped up your hair and shampooed it feeling the suds run down your back. You scrubbed your body thoroughly washing off all the sweat and grime from training but as you were enjoying the warmth of the water it grew cold causing your body to run down with goosebumps and you let off a small groan.
''Fucking shit water heaters....they got the funds to make a whole ass city but wont invest in a new heater..''
You grumbled to yourself as the cool water rinsed the soap off and you turned off the shower, wrapping yourself in the towel you had hanging up. Your body was relaxed yet your mind wasn't , you wanted to call your sister again ,  to try and apologize or to try and find something to get to her , you don't know when next call would be but it worried you , even if your worries went for a few minutes they always came back ten times worse.

When you both were kicked out at a young age before you joined you had worked at a gas station while you left your sister at your aunt and uncles , you were never around due to work and such like and it still was like that. The time you spent working at a gas station was not very long but over that time a man named jack had always stopped by to check in on you. You didn't know him personally but he always would tip you a few extras 20s to help you get by as he knew you were struggling in a way. You sometimes thought about him and his gestures and it made you wonder now where he was at in life.n Throughout your life you used humor to cope , given why you are so quick witted and a jokester outside of the field, here and there you'll give a joke on comms to pass time but there's nothing to compare to how you were in the field. It was like different people. One who was ruthless and cruel while the other half was someone who just joked and needed a giant hug.

As you dried yourself off you stepped out of the shower stall and you made your way to the sink where you had put your clothes and you got dressed , putting on your socks , underwear ,dark grey cargos , bra and black shirt. Along with your boots and such. You got ready and put on some deodorant as well as some spray to freshen up and you went to the sink and brushed your teeth. As you did so you saw one of the other only female recruits walk in , she was a field medic. One you were thankful for as she has helped you many times before when you had come back from missions hurt. You gave her a small hello wave and she did the same before going to a shower stall and going on with her business.

You took your dirty clothes and you walked down the hall and put it in your room before grabbing your keys as well and you started heading down to chow quickly. As you made your way to chow you saw soap and gaz walking together and you caught up with them and gave them a small smirk.
''Garrick , mactavish.''
You greeted with a sport of sly grin and soap smirked and gaz let off a small smile.
''Funny seeing you here again l/n''
Soap nudged you and you huffed.
''No really? Just came back off a trip from no heat central.''
You referenced to the lack of heating in the shower rooms and gaz let off a chuckle.
''Yknow how it be , heating systems suck.''
Gaz shrugged and you nodded as you all walked in towards chow.

The chow hall bustled with other soldiers , some eating alone while others talked as they sat down with there food trays. You made your way with thre others onto the line to grab a tray of food and you shook your head as you looked at soap.
''Prison food today? Better then school lunch.''
You joked and soap nodded.
''I think anythings better than school lunch.''
Gaz chimed in and you all agreed.
''I didn't stay in school for long but food was pretty good sometimes.''
You spoke and gaz picked up a food tray.
''Yeah that's cause you were probably hungry.''
He joked and you rolled your eyes playfully at him as you soon grabbed your own tray and you all sat down at a empty table in the far right side of the room.

''What do you think the briefing will entail today? I mean tommorows mission is tomorrow''
Gaz started up and you sighed.
''Listen its just info probably on wolffe but we should keep low on it till it pops up during the briefing , best not to talk about it outside of the brief.''
You suggested and soap shrugged.
''I guess so''
The scott replied.
''Anyone know where L.T is?''
You asked suddenly and soap looked at you.
''That old bloke? Might be in his room srounging around somewhere–''
''Wheres that old bloke?''
Ghost mocked as he came up froim behind soap cutting him off , causing all of you to go silent and pale at the sudden arrival.
''Heyyy we were just talking about you...''
You tried playing it cool but his eyes narrowed.
''Cut the shit , you all have 5 to get yourself into the briefing room. Things are happening earlier.''
He announced and soap turned and looked up to meet his eyes and he smirked.
''Missed us already big boy?''
You smirked and ghost looked at you with an amused look in his eyes.
He joked very dryly managing to get a small rise out of soap.

For ones hiding lurking about didnt know they knew of the others route for ones driven and others staggered only made more of a hazard.

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