Runner (chapter 3)

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New day.

After that moment between you and price yesterday he walked you back to your quarters after reassuring you that you were doing your best. You had a long night of twisting and turning , trying to sleep but eventually you managed to get in about a good three hours. You woke up feeling extra groggy as you heard a loud banging noise come from your door. You turned over in your bunk and you looked at the small clock on you night table and you saw the time that read 4:50 and you rubbed your eyes before sitting up in bed and groaned as you hears a familiar british voice.
''Wake up.''
Ghost banged on your door and you stretched a bit before standing up and glaring towards your door.
''Anyone would wake up hearing that lovely voice of yours.''
You huffed , speaking loudly enough to where he could hear you.
''Hurry up smartass we don't have all bloody day for training.''
He blurted and you stood up grabbing your PT uniforms as well as your toothbrush and toothpaste and you stepped out of your room , you eyes squinting as they tried to adjust to the light in the hallway and you looked up seeing ghost , his eyes roaming over you and your tired form. He wore a black sweat with his usual skull mask as well as his cargos and boots.

''You have 6 minutes max to get your ass ready , should've been done 20 minutes ago.''
He spoke up again and you glared at him.
''I'm sorry i couldn't pull a extra pack of zyn out of my ass L.T.''
You retorted , his tall stature looming over you as you followed behind you as you walked down the hallway only in your sleep wear as you walked your way to the women's shower rooms.
''Gonna help me brush my teeth sir?.''
You said sarcastically and turned to him as he followed behind you and he huffed.
''4 minutes left.''
He counted down and you shook your head before rushing into the shower rooms , leaving him to wait and you went into the shower rooms , the showers practically empty as there weren't as many women such as yourself in this field.

You quickly went to the sink and brushed your teeth quickly making sure not to take to long and you fixed your hair up as quickly as you could and pulled on your pt sweats and shirt on as well as putting on your sneakers that you used only for PT and rushed out of the shower rooms , leaving your toothbrush and toothpaste there hoping it would still be there when you got back.
''A minute early.''
He said bluntly and you gave him a tiny smirk.
''Gonna put that in the personal records of 'how long can ghost rush my ass' ''
You joked and he kept quiet , simply walking down the empty hallways keeping silent as he made his way to an exit and out the door out into the open where you both would usually train for PT. you followed right behind him , stepping outside feeling the cool air and the morning dew.

The sun wasn't even up yet , the only thing giving light was the lamp posts that lied about around the perimeter allowing your vision and sight. You stretched a bit and ghost looked at , watching as you stretched a bit more and he kept quiet before gesturing to the grassy area yall were in.
''50 laps back and fourth , go.''
He stated and you took a deep breath before starting up.
You never liked doing PT much but it was standard training , you either spent your time weightlifting or you simply did laps outside with ghost keeping up with you as he pushed you on. Soap and the others dealt with similar things but when you did PT they weight lifted and when your weight lifted they did laps. It was one of the things that got your day going but you never like it as you weren't a morning person. Even with ghost banging on your door in the morning it got annoying. You start running, your feet pounding the soft yet damp ground. The cool morning air fills your lungs, refreshing and invigorating. Ghost moves with you, a silent presence at your side. He watched over you , looking at you making sure you were functional as you ran. You can feel his eyes on you studying your movements as you run but you didn't say much of it.

''Thats 3 laps , keep going.''
Ghost pushed and you kept running.
As you ran, you felt your muscles burning from the effort. With each lap, you tried to push yourself a little bit harder but by the 20th lap, you were starting to feel exhausted. Ghost kept a steady pace, his breathing steady as he ran alongside you. You could feel your heart beating heavily in your chest and your muscles were starting to seize up. Despite the discomfort, you pressed on to finish the final 30 laps. As you ran you couldn't help but think about your sister and the conversation you had last night.

It was tough trying not to feel guilty but you knew price was right and how you were trying your best. Only Price knew about your current situation , not because he read your files but because you went deeper into depth with him in private about him. He notices when you are off and thinking about it just by your mannerisms. Either you'll keep distant and at bay or you're more irritated and agitated than usual. He knows. Ghost on the other hand didn't really bother to get into much depth with it as he kept to himself a lot and was extremely reserved himself. He was the type to get into the others business. When he first met you he had thought you were annoying but he started to trust you after a first long two years of the beginning when you were just on the team and now four years later he's grown to trust you to a degree and he tolerates you as much as he does soap.

As PT fills out you start to see other soldiers come out into the grassy feild to do there PT training. you see various soldiers from various squads also heading to the grassy area you were in currently. Some of them are starting to run while others are doing push-ups or sit-ups. Ghost glances over at you and nods his head confirming that he's aware of the situation but he still kept to himself regalress.
''Keep going , don't stop.''
The brit spoke up firmly.
''That's what she said.''
You huffed out a bit as you kept running and he grumbled to himself before speaking up to you.
he muttered and you let off a small smirk.
Despite the cool morning dew you start to get warm from the running. Your breathing becomes heavier and you start to feel your muscles burning up more as you complete lap after lap.

After awhile you managed to finish all of your laps and you stopped , hunched over with your hands on your knees as you catch your breath and ghost breathed a but heavily as well and he gave you a small nod of approval. You felt sweaty , the small beads of sweat dripping down your forehead and your neck running down onto your shirt. You huffed a bit and you noticed ghost walking back , not bothering to wait for you and you rolled your eyes and you caught up to him.
'' couldn't wait for me?''
You pointed out and he glared at you a bit.
''Hit showers , go to chow.''
He sighed before walking back inside , leaving you to go on with your day.

He was usually like this , sometimes even offering a joke or two but on most days he stood the same. He was caring in a way , in his own way but either way you thought it was an accomplishment to have had ghost tolerate you. He can be protective on the field but once back at base he trusts everyone to handle themselves , here and there hell check on soap but for the most part everything was up to date.

For two teams only needed one hit for things would crash like a bunch of brick.

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