Chapter 4

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The capital of the Night Kingdom was the most beautiful place I've ever seen, forged like a dream empire. It was like the castle from above the clouds every kid dreamt about.

And in that moment, not even the fact that all the citizens of this City were looking at me like their next meal didn't matter. I was walking trough my long lost dream, the Kingdom I wanted to built back home.

I sighed and controled my tears as I walked with Aiden along the clean streets,no longer resisting, letting him to walk me around.His grip wasn't strong any more, more like gentile, but I could still feel his coldness. After all, I attacked him.

"Are you still upset?", I asked quietly.

For a long time, He said nothing, just walking and waving his hand lazily at a few girls.

When we finally stopped, on a silver bridge, He looked at me.

"I won't let anyone to undermine me, especially you. But I'm not upset, if I would, you'd be dead already."

I belived him.

"But don't try to do anything stupid, not now, not tomorrow. You will die as soon as they'll see you."

I hissed at him.

"I may be a human, but I am not weak. I never was, and trust me, if anyone would try to kill me, I will make sure to take them with me in The grave."

Aiden was looking at me with a trace of amuzament, a look that I could bet it made woman fall for him.

"Sure,princess.Now,any questions or demands?"

Yeah, stop calling me princess and tell me what The fuck I'm here.

"Why is snow around your Kingdom, but here is summer?"

He raised an eyebrow and passed a hand trough his black hair.

"From all the possible questions, that's what you wish to begin with?"

I purred softly at the hearing of his surprised tone.

"Don't worry, Aiden, I have a lot of questions saved for later."

"OK, the snow you saw was a spell thrown by one of my friends, so it could discourage enemies, or anyone who would have the intention to come in. Next?"

I leaned against the elaborate railing of the bridge and I surveyed the view.

"Just one. Why you brought me here, instead of killing me?"

I heard him taking a deep breath and coming closer to me.

"As I said before,when sacrifices are brought here, a parade is usually made, so we could know about their arrival days before. But with you it was different, they threw you, almost like they actually wanted you Dead, so I guess there is something special about you. I mean, except the fact that you are the long lost princess of Nemerhun. Even your smell is different, your bloodline feels more ancient than more humans. "

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