Chapter 10 - The Coward's Way Out

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"Hey...Oliver? Oliver?" she muttered, mostly to herself in concern. "Please wake up."

Robin stared at Oliver's unconscious body for some time, the humming of the now switched on lights beamed down with them being dimmer than before.

He groaned as Oliver scrunched his face up like a paper ball. "Wha...What the hell..?" he spoke softly.

Oliver opened his eyes with his vision blurry with the colors being blended into each other with a bright pastel yellow covering his eyes because of the artificial lighting. His view finally focused as Robin became noticeable, the mascara around her eyes was smudged and looked to be shredding as it stained her skin. She held some sort of plain medicine close to her body.

"Robin?" Oliver muttered.

He attempted to pull himself back up with both hands pushing his heavy body against the floor. Robin backed away slightly, down on her knees. Oliver slipped and crashed into her.

"Ah shit-!" he slurred as he also felt a sharp and dense pain slashing at his left arm.

He looked down with his face in mild disgust, his sweatshirt sleeve still rolled with stains of deep red pigment engraved into the basic white shirt. A bloody stump in the arm, the tree was chucked out the window like an outsider. Oliver felt his fingers curling up but all there was an amputation. The orchestrated blood dripped down the once open classroom window as the rosey stars mimicked the frustrated tension.

The blue sky pierced through Robin as her organic perfume drifted away from his nostrils. She prevented him from falling onto the hard floor, she held him close with heads and hairs almost touching each other, the bottom of her sleeves were stained in blood from her wrists to her elbows. The room cleared with no desks in the middle plain of the room.

"Thank god that you're alive," Mr. Baggins said to himself as he walked over to the pair of them. "You'll need to have something to eat, you were out for a while."

Bags handed both Robin and Oliver one of the remaining snacks that they had left, he then backed away once again, leaning against the pushed back table. Mimi was no longer smirking to her, she looked exhausted and leaning her head against the wall. Most of the others were in some sort of standing or sitting positions as they ate their own miniature portion of food from the vending machines. Lee looked to be in major distress, zoning out from time to time as the palm of his hands were covered in the devil's colored skin. Small drops of it splattered into the floor as he quietly ate his portion of food, their lips crusty and dry as their own hair slowly became greasy. Mr. Baggins had a similar fate to Lee, his fingertips drenched in Oliver's blood from applying the bandages.

"...H-how long was I out for exactly?" Oliver said as he attempted to push himself up against the nearest wall. Robin steadily helped him as she carried half of his limp body.

"Well..." Robin frantically looked at the nearest readable clock, "Around... six or seven hours-ish?"

"Seven fucking hours?!" Oliver yelled with his flabbergasted expression.

"Please for the love of god keep your voice down." Mimi threatened while rubbing her forehead.

"What? Why? Didn't those fuckers use the announcement speaker to draw them away?" Oliver bluntly asked everyone.

"We did." Rick glared with many strands of his slick hair coming undone and down onto his face. "Yet you were too fuckin' loud. Did you have any idea of how many of those things went wild?!"

"Rick calm down. It wasn't his fault." Mr. Baggins raised his hands until the tips reached the same height of his shoulders. "He can't help it."

"I don't care." Rick shook his justified comments off of himself.

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