her prey

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"want to save him.... you can't" he said while smiling blood dripping down his face as he smiled

Adeline looked in his direction and her eyes widened at the sight "leave him" Adeline shouted at the man as he stood their smiling devilishly "if you laid a single finger on him I'll cut all your fingers off" 

Adeline warned her tone was serious and her eyes held no emotions

"I'll leave him... If you agree on becoming one of my prostitute" he said as atlas looked at her she was slowly walking towards them... jack eyes widened as he looked at Adeline she threw her sword away and walked towards him

"NO!" Atlas screamed as he tried to escape from the man's grip
"come on, my little slut" the man said as Adeline was walking towards him

they were only a few steps away now the man threw atlas away and wiped blood away from his mouth and licked his lips.atlas was now on the floor he tried to get up from his place but he felt like his feet were tied to ground he wanted to fight for Adeline but he couldn't get up or even move from his place he felt like he was tied to the floor by an invisible rope

the man looked at Adeline and spread his arms Adeline walled towards him jack was about to run and slice the man's throat and just when the man was about to touch Adeline.

Adeline took out her little stabber and stabbed the man right in his stomach. she pulled the stabber out and stabbed his leg. the man fell on the ground Adeline bent down to his level and looked at him jack ran towards her and

"I won't let anyone hurt him. he's MY prey" Adeline said as she looked at the man in front if her who was now coughing a mixture of blood and saliva

atlas tried to get up from his place and this time he didn't feel anything stopping him he got up and limped towards them Adeline looked at him and he had a reassuring smile on his face

"give me that" Adeline said as she pointed at the knife that the man was holding at Atlas's throat earlier jack picked up and handed it to Adeline. Adeline looked at it and grabbed the man's pinky finger

"warned you. didn't I" she said as a wicked smile appeared on her smile she started to cut the man's finger first the flesh and then the sound of his bone cracking was heard and soon his finger was on the floor but that didn't satisfy her she then pointed for his index finger,middle,ring and finally his thumb she continued until all the ten fingers were on the floor the man was screaming in pain and muttering curses

atlas and jack stood their blankly as Adeline did her favorite job

"take him, do whatever you like but make sure to cut his dick and take his eye balls out... don't kill him I'll do it myself" Adeline stood up from her place and walked towards atlas and jack they both were injured as well

she pointed the soldiers to pick him up but he started to protest against them jack punched him on his face and he knocked out with just one punch the soldiers picked him up and took him away

"we don't have Time" their might be people in the prisons
she said as jack and atlas nodded they all walked toward the prisons and jack sliced the throat of everyone who came in their way

they were standing in front of the prisons as atlas unlocked it

"ATLAS!" a feminine voice was heard from one of the prison as a young female came out running and hugged atlas

Adeline's eyes widened at the sight in front of her jack looked at Adeline and he was like 'here we go'

"h-hey" atlas muttered as he looked at the small figure hugging him
"I thought they killed you" she said in a low voice
"well, I survived" atlas chuckled

"who are you?" Adeline asked as she looked at the young female maybe 19 or 20 years old
she finally broke the hug and looked at the woman in front of her

"I'm his fiancé" the girl replied while looking at the woman in front of her

atlas immediately ran towards jack as jack looked at him like he was going to throw hands

Adeline had a lot of questions but the only question that escaped from her mouth was

"I asked for your introduction, not for your relationship with him" Adeline said blankly the girl stood their embarrassed Adeline looked at her blankly and started to walk away

jack and atlas helped the people and then walked around the castle they did a whole check around the castle and ordered the guards to do a double check

they walked through the hallways where a lot of bodies were laying the floor was covered with blood

"is she actually your fiancé" jack finally asked breaking the silence atlas thought for a second
"I don't remember anyone" atlas replied while looking around like he was clueless of where he was
"I and Adeline already knew it.... that you lost your memories" jack replied as he slightly smiled at atlas he felt pitiful for atlas

atlas didn't replied as they continued to walk around in silence

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