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"Should I ask him or trick him?" Anushka mumbled as she stared at Vaishnavi's message. She thought sincerely, 'My dear sister should get a heartbreak too.'

V- Are you sure, you want to go to that party? 

This text had got Anushka on her tippy toes for her plan execution. At first, she thought to ask him to cooperate, but then she thought to spike his drink and send some girl to him. She was unsure about how to recruit people for the job. She had to account for every penny spent and the job could be financially demanding.

But she had her head cleared by some help. Now, she conspired with a person she doesn't know but trusts. The situation seemed wrong, but her hatred overpowered her sense of judgment.  

She hummed a tune while selecting a dress for the party from her closet. But isn't it interesting that she doesn't trust the person she knows but trusts the person she doesn't know? 

Anushka suddenly remembered the conversation between her and Vaishnavi one day. 

-In the dining hall of Rathore Mansion, Mumbai-[a few weeks ago]

"Do you like someone?" Anushka asked as she looked at Vaishnavi smiling at something on her phone.

"Wh-what? Why... Why are you asking that?" Vaishnavi asked startled. Anushka hummed as she sat next to her.

"Who is it?" She asked as Vaishnavi hastened to turn off the black box in her hand. "I know there is someone. You are not the one to fall for anyone easily."

"You... How?" Vaishnavi asked as she turned her head towards Anushka. 

"Your face. It's red. You had a loving gaze earlier." She clarified. 

"It's just... But you can't tell anyone. It's Tushar." Vaishnavi said as Anushka smiled. 

"As in Tushar Singh Tomar?" 


-end of conversation-

Anushka shook her head at the thought of her accusation being false crept in. 


"What the hell is happening on Earth? I gave him my name, not my feelings." Vivaan said as he stared at the globe. It showed the moment when Varun asked for Vaishnavi's hand. His eyes widened even more when more past scenes played before him, where Vaishanvi confessed her feelings about Tushar to Rohan.

"It's probably the consequences of telling you about your mate before your eighteenth birthday." The lady in magenta said as she saw the situation before them. There was silence as Vivaan tried to absorb the found information.

"So... She doesn't love me? She won't love me?" Vivaan said in a low voice as he slumped on the couch behind him. His eyes turned teary as he regretted his decision and eagerness to know about her. His mind only thought of her, her love which he dreamt of, and everything about her.

"Hey." The lady in magenta said softly, "There's nothing like that. Do you truly love her?" She asked as she hugged him like a little kid he was. Vivaan nodded as fear started to settle in his heart, the fear of losing her to someone else. 

"Love her with or without the presence of this bond?" She asked him as he nodded again. A little sob came from him. "The supreme goddess won't do injustice to you if you're not lying." 

"The supreme goddess?" He asked as he withdrew from the hug. Wiping tears from his face, he again questioned when he didn't hear a reply.

"Who is the supreme goddess?"

"Don't tell anyone that I told you." She spoke faintly in his ears, "We use fairies to hide our identity as goddesses. Search for the book Bonds of the Fate - The Mate Mark. You shall get your answers then." The lady disappeared as soon as she was completed. 

Vivaan was perplexed as he looked at the globe. He headed to Earth to meet her somehow. 


It had been more than two hours since Vaishnavi and Anushka came to the party. The party was ancient Englishmen-themed. A waiter came near Vaishnavi - she was standing near a table and drinking juice. 

"Madam, some monsieur wants to meet you in the written room." The waiter said in a heavy French accent as he passed the note to her and left. 

Vaishnavi opened the note which said-

Meet me in room no. 103 on the first floor in 15 minutes. 

For some reason, Vaishnavi thought that the T could be Tushar. But how did he know she was at the party? Nevertheless, she waited until the designated time and went to the individual.

The hotel had a palace theme as the room on the left and the stairs in the middle of the corridor. Surprisingly, several people were on the right side of the hallway, but only a handful on the left. 

She opened the room right away as excitement ate her. But as soon as the door opened, her smiling face turned full of disappointment and stoic. Nerves visibly popped on her forehead as she tried to stop the tears from falling. She didn't understand why that was happening to her. The guy didn't even look at her, and she liked him. And even when they hadn't spoken a word to each other in their entire life, she felt affected by what she saw then.

In the room, Tushar was busy making love with a woman Vaishnavi couldn't see the face of. She crumbled the paper and stormed out of the room to leave the venue. Her gaze became a blur as tears surfaced in her eyes. As she got out of the room, her shoulder bumped into someone. Without looking at the person properly, she apologized and went. Her tears fell the moment she bumped into the person. 

The person was no other than Vivaan. He saw how hastened and unstable her steps were and how tears fell from her eyes, though she tried to control. He then looked into the direction she came from - room number 103. 

He proceeded to see what caused Vaishnavi to cry. He saw Tushar struggling to get out of the woman's hold as he said, "I don't even know you. Sorry it was a mistake, and someone just saw us." He seemed to be in a haze of alcohol. 

Vivaan moved his head to look at the woman - she was no other than Anushka. He then went to follow Vaishnavi, who was walking rather slow now. He fastly moved towards her as she again tripped on her gown. Like previously, Vivaan yet once again prevented her from falling. But this time from the front, he used his fast speed to come from the front slightly on her right to see her downfaced face properly.

He quickly saved her from falling, and others clapped on the scene. He helped Vaishnavi stand up straight on her feet. He could feel her quivering. Her body was trembling, and her hands were wet from sweat. 

"Thank you, mister." She said and quickly went from there. Vivaan looked at her worried as he was sure her heart was broken. He wasn't jealous, but the thought of her not trusting someone easily - including him - bothered him. After all, he wouldn't rely on the bond entirely. 

He wanted their relationship to be real and pure, without any support of the bond. He didn't want her to love him because he was her soulmate, but love him because she wanted to.

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