Prank!! AVM

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This is based on the new episode that Alan made

After red pranked all the colorgang(when he was finished with green) he thinks about targeting Black and white next, red giggles as he works on his plan

"hmmm, black is very much of a troublemaker and knows how to do pranks. I mean I could let her help me target white since she can sense stuff easily. This will be hard.."

Red thinks if he should use Black to make him prank white, since Black is the only one who know white more

" I should ask her! "

Red says as he jumps out of his treehouse using the window(like he did in the episode lol XD) he went back to Alan's pc in search of black, he asks the color gang and they said she was in her room

Red reached blacks room as he knocks on the door

" hello? Black?"

Black opens the door and saw red as he pulls him inside the room

"woah? What was that for?"

Red asks in confusion

"I know you want me to help you prank white, but let me tell you. It won't be that easy"

"yeah I know, she can sense stuff easily. I can't do the same process I used to green"

Black nods

"that's the point, white is very skilled and cautious. So we gotta be careful about that"

"so you know her more than we do?"

"I know white like the back of my hand!"

"then if you said white can sense stuff does that mean she knows what we're gonna do?"


Black went speechless when red said that, she didn't know that. Black thinks a bit

"honestly, she's doesn't really predict stuff and all and can hear stuff from faraway. So I think hmmmm, I really don't know. But there's a chance she won't know?"

"you think?? You said you knew white like the back of your hand!"

"bro do you want me to help you or not??"

Red sighs and face palms and just agrees

"ugh fine"

Black and red plan out the prank for white, they decided which one was the best. They're in the tree house right now with purple since he helped red last time with green

"soooo any ideas?"

Red asks purple

"I don't know, I mean she's smart and all like green but she's a little different. Yknow what I mean right?"

"yeah yeah I get it"

Black says as the other kept on thinking what to do on how to prank white

"yeah I have no ideas-"

Purple says, red groans thinking so much

"this is much harder than pranking green!"

Red spoke in a frustrated tone, red looks at black

"you know her more than us, surely you've pranked her before right?"

"I guess I managed to prank her once when me and white were 18, thats when she wasnt dead and have no powers. But now that she has one all my pranks have failed"

"you used to prank her? Wow didn't know that"

The Others kept thinking and thinking till purple asks red

White(TLC) and black(TDC) stick figures Where stories live. Discover now